Startup Talk The Canadian Startup Podcast

Startup Talk The Canadian Startup Podcast

Revolutionizing Content Creation: An AI-Powered Workflow with Draft and Goal

May 08, 2023

In this interview, Nabil Tayeb, the co-founder of Draft and Goal, shares his thoughts on the topic of AI-generated content and its impact on human creativity. He believes that AI-generated content does not replace human creativity, but instead enhances it by augmenting the possibilities of the human brain. Tayeb also emphasizes that AI models are limited as they have been trained on internet data, which is not a copy one-to-one of the real world, and they have a bias that does not represent the real world. Therefore, humans still have a huge playing field to be creative because the AI will help them enhance their creativity, but will not replace them.

Regarding the future of content creation, Tayeb sees a shift from focusing on writing the content to focusing on the abstract ideas of the concepts. He also predicts that copywriters will not be eliminated, but rather become chief editors, spending less time writing and more time working on the ideas and correcting what AI generates.

Finally, when asked about the fear around AI, Tayeb believes that unrealistic expectations about what AI can do right now have led to fear. He believes that the fear is not justified and that humans have control over AI and its development.



“The biggest obstacle to success is fear of failure. If you’re not failing, you’re not pushing your limits, and if you’re not pushing your limits, you’re not maximizing your potential.” – Nabil Tayeb

“Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords or nice-to-haves. They are critical to the success and sustainability of any organization. Without diversity, you lack the creativity, innovation, and perspective necessary to stay ahead in today’s fast-changing world.” – Nabil Tayeb

“I believe that AI is going to change everything that we do. Every industry will be transformed, and I think we are only at the beginning of that transformation.” – Nabil Tayeb.

“I really think that finding new ideas, finding new opportunities, there’s a huge field that’s seen only possible to be done by human brain.” – Nabil Tayeb.

“What we say from our side is that all copywriters they are not going to be eliminated, they are going to become chief editors.” – Nabil Tayeb.


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Automated Transcript of Revolutionizing Content Creation: An AI-Powered Workflow with Draft and Goal


ai, content, human, working, startup, ideas, tool, generate, model, people, find, large, company, part, entrepreneur, goal, seo, draft, gpt, toronto


The Startup Coach, Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal, Announcer



Direct from the six world renowned Canada’s largest city, with Canada’s biggest thinkers, visionaries and hustlers. This is startup talk featuring the founders, funders, innovators and community leaders who’ve led Canada’s startup ecosystem right here in Toronto. You’ll hear the challenges, the failures, the successes, Toronto StartUp podcast gives you the full story direct from the entrepreneurs and influencers who’ve made a difference. Now, the host of startup talk, the founder of TorontoStarts this startup coach.


The Startup Coach 

Welcome back to startup talk. I’m your host, startup coach, founder of TorontoStarts. It’s one of the largest startup communities in Canada. And with me today is Nabil tyabb, co founder of Draft and  Goal. Welcome to Nabil.


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

Thank you for having us here today.


The Startup Coach 

Can you tell us about your background and how you became an entrepreneur?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

It’s funny because I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. But I guess like I had that impostor syndrome for syndrome for for a while back in 2013. I did an MBA here in Montreal, I should say, Montreal, and I think it was the tipping point where I was just like, okay, you know, you are as valid as anyone to be an entrepreneur. And I think it’s always the first step to validate yourself as an entrepreneur, and 2013. I started entered 14 started to enter the startup community and worked on on several projects, started my own business, basically working on different things, and mixing different ideas. We ended up, we ended up like building draft and goal.


The Startup Coach 

How does Draft and Goal differ from other AI content creation tools? Yeah,



that’s a very good question. Actually, like all the tools that were on the market, I we call them like the first wave of generative AI, where all the Jasper copy AI copies missing. And so on. These tools were most of the time API’s are in user interface based on on an API that was making calls directly to, to open API’s API, like that was the only one available like since 2020. And they are focusing mainly on the writing part of the content, we want to write some content we go, we use the tool that we have a person in front of the computer that will decide what they want to write and so on. Drafting goal is different because we are a workflow. So we cover the whole content creation process, not only the writing aspect, but we start from analyzing the data from the website of the of the user. And based on that we will close the rise and find new ideas that that are related to the to the main topic of the of the website, we will expand those ideas to find untapped ideas, opportunities. And then from that, we will generate the content. So the content generation is only one link of a whole chain. And this is what we want to do and is actually what we’ve we’ve achieved is to go to take the user not only from, oh, I want to write something, we are going to write it for you. But we do all the analysis in the ideation part. What our tool allows, is really to create content that really align with your editorial line at scale. And this is a huge difference between us and the most well known tools that are on the market right now that are the first wave of of AI tools.


The Startup Coach 

Can you walk us through the multimodal approach that draft and goal uses?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

Yeah, and this is, this is very interesting. And we can see that, for example, Jasper has already not parted ways with with open AI, but they are also like trying to look at different models. But what we found like working a lot on different models is that some models perform better on different aspects like creating a listing or creating blog posts, and different different aspects of the the contract workflow. The decision that we took very early on is not to stick with one model, but to see what model is the best for a specific task or customization for ideation and so on. And this has allowed us to create like a workflow that’s really good at every single step. And the last part is that we’ve unlocked one of our main feature that we’re working on right now is to be able to have an AI A large language model trained on your very own data. This makes it very relevant for large company. We can see, for example, in Italy now, and in Europe, there’s a huge backlash about like compliance about that safety in that manipulation. Most of the large companies in the next two, three years will need to have their own AI on premise train on their own data. And this is one of the aspects that we’ve added to our model is to help companies also to be able to have their own AI model in house.


The Startup Coach 

How does draft and goal ensure the quality of the content generated by your AI model?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

This is a step that we’ve worked on actually, we, my co founder and myself, we come from the SEO industry, we know that search engine at large will want to understand how the content has been generated. And also what we’ve seen is that everybody can see now that there’s a lot of issues about veracity about origination around the large language models. So very early on, we said, oh, yes, we are going to generate a bunch of content, but how good is the content? And how can we help users to see to evaluate in a very efficient manner how the content, or what is the content, if there’s maybe mistakes if there’s, if the AI is contracting to itself. So we’ve created an AI detector at the beginning, that was actually just detecting if the text was perceived as AI. And then we refined it using different techniques, we are able to either regenerate parts that are problematics, or we can highlight those parts. So the good so the user can focus on that and decide if they want to change those those aspects of the content generation.


The Startup Coach 

So how does draft and goal help businesses improve their SEO and generate more traffic,


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

SEO is going to change a lot in the next few years. Because one of the aspects is that as we move on to having a lot of AI content published on the internet, and also, as we will have chatbots integrated into search engine, there’s a whole part of SEO that might disappear, which is the evergreen content articles that are not being really updated because they are setting in a specific period of time. And but they still generate traffic, we can think about recipes and everything. Where for example, there’s basically one recipe for for the apple pie, we there’s some variation, but this is mainly evergreen content that you will capitalize on over overtime, this part of SEO is going to be covered mostly by chatbot chatbots will give you like recipes of an apple pie and will give you like maybe some variations, some some other tricks and techniques to improve your recipe. But people want consumers like a full fledge website recipe website to get those recipes. But there’s another part of the SEO which is going to be what’s new, what’s new in the world, because this is what AI cannot do. Ai cannot find out about what you are creating right now at this very instant. So all the new content, all the new ideas, all the new topics, it will be very important for companies to be able to be on those topics very quick because they will generate content, they will generate traffic to their website. And this is our drafting goal helps those those companies because as we are doing that analysis, as we are expanding the ideas and so on, we are able to untap content ideas that are very, very new. And so you can rank you can rank on those ideas very quick. And people will will find you so the the inbound strategy that we use in marketing and that we’ve been using until now, it’s going to change a lot. And it’s going to rely a lot on fast execution. And because Draft and Goal analyze the data automatically and generic contents automatically, we are able to unlock this part where you can generate a lot of content but fast and on new ideas.


The Startup Coach 

You mentioned your chat GPT detector before Can you explain how that works and why it’s important for businesses to know whether content is AI generated or not.


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

I think mid January, we launched an AI detector that was already integrated in our main tool so we just spin it off made like a minimalistic landing page so people could use it for free. The idea behind that and there was a lot of fear around around chat GPT fooling like teachers or journalists and so on. And we think that it’s very potent, it’s not that AI content is bad is that people need to understand whether it’s been created by human or by an AI because it implies a lot of things. Because if, if it’s been written by an AI you might have, you might need to have a bit more scrutiny on the content, this piece of content, we use different techniques, we are trying to refine some, we find that AI detection is becoming increasingly difficult. There’s a lot of people like working and lots of paper being being released around that one of the main way to detect AI, which one was of the first one device, which is the purple plague cities, analyzing some probabilities of occurrence of of words and comparing it to human probability of occurrence of words. So technically, AI doesn’t write exactly the same way as as human would do, or wouldn’t use this, the words does exactly the same way, as human where we do AI, let’s say is more craveable in the way choose the it uses the words, humans are more chaotic. So we might not use the all the right word at the right spot, and, and so on. So this is one way, but there’s a lot of many, there’s many other ways to try to narrow down the certainty or the uncertainty of the content being written by a human or an AI. The big challenge is that it always comes down to probability. Today, there’s absolutely no one and in the future is going to be increasingly difficult. So absolutely no one that can give you that can tell you 100%, this content has been generated by an AI. And because the models are going to be more and more refined, will get even closer to what human writing looks like. This is a huge challenge. There’s a huge actually, there’s a huge business opportunity behind that the resources and the r&d around AI detection is is insanely difficult. And we’ve worked on many different techniques and that work, but there’s no like silver bullet for that.


The Startup Coach 

How does draft and goal help businesses discover new ideas and keywords for the content.


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

We use some data from Google Search Console, we use data from the main website using this data, we are able to create topic clusters and topic clusters will be present one ideas, what we’ve worked on. And one of our secret recipe is to be able to do a keyword research but not like in a traditional way as you would as you would do it like just like pa people also ask keywords in in Google, but in a wizard with a different technology that allows us to find long, longtail keywords that link to your topic. And so like it’s one of the challenges in terms of UI and UX, because it’s we are manipulating a lot of of data, we are able to find different sub topics on an on that sub topic because we use AI, we can say oh, this is sub topic, what are the ideas around that? That subtopic but the difficult part is to be able to find subtopics that are close enough to the main topic and that are going to have some SEO potential in terms of of generating traffic for the for the user, this path has a huge value for us because we see that it’s not an easy path to sift through a lot of ideas and say okay, this is a good idea and this is a buy the idea and I think like what we’ve achieved so far is pretty convincing. We have some beta tester right now that are quite happy with the with the feature we are startup and we are building our team we are going to growing our team and definitely those features are going to get improved in the future. But what we have now by looking at we are looking at it from a semantic perspective and and this unlocks a lot of possibility for keyword research.


The Startup Coach 

What advice would you have to give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own AI based business?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

Get ready for the four huge like roller coaster because I think starting your business is one roller coaster and starting an AI business is building a roller coaster on top of roller coaster especially because right now what we’ve seen since December is that open AI launcher GPT and all those large company that has had like offices full of strategies and so on and say oh you we are going to do a roll out like this is first semester second semester. Now they just like said, Yeah, open the gates release whatever you want to release open source models and so on, you have to do micro pi votes every single week, you need to look at the news. Okay, they’ve launched this new model, how does it affect me? Is it a new opportunity? Or is it like gatekeeping? This, this niche of of AI verticals are very interesting, right? Now, we need to find very good vertical, trying to look at verticals that large companies wouldn’t touch, at least in the next three, four years. And this is the important part, I think it all comes down when we try to because there’s the word AI. So we think about it, like in a very sophisticated fashion. But basically, there’s a very simple approach for that is to say, A, if I give you 1000 employees that are very good at a lot of things that have a skill set, that’s very broad, what would you ask them to do? The AI kind of brains without arms? So most of the AI startups that are going to pop up right now I was going to be like, Okay, let’s build arms for this for this brain. And how does the AI interact with the with the real world, so lots of opportunities, but you need to understand that the landscape is moving very, very fast. And you cannot, you know, blindside yourself and just say, a, you know, I’m still building what I whatever I want, and I don’t mind, I don’t care about what others are doing. Now you need to adjust on almost daily basis with the news and see new opportunities and new challenges.


The Startup Coach 

Can you tell us about any future developments or features that you’ve got planned for Draft and Goal?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

So yeah, I’ve hinted about one of the the main feature that we’re working on right now is really to allow companies to have a large language model on premise, we found a large company with sensitive information and very strict guidelines need to have AI, but they cannot use it as it is because the data is going to another server, maybe the data is going to be used to train the model, or so on. So there’s too much risk for large company to do that. So one of the feature that we are working on is to say, hey, you know, how we can specialize a model, make it smaller that it can run internally, in the company.


The Startup Coach 

How does draft and goal ensure that the content generated is accurate and factually correct.


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

We use different data source, there’s different ways to do it. And again, this is my part of the internal recipe like that we’ve worked a lot on and I am going to give you like the broad strokes, but I cannot go too much in details. Technically, we use different data source to compare content and some validated data source that that are available out there. Again, we never say Oh, this is 100% inaccurate, but we are able to flag content to highlight it for the for the end user to make sure that this this content is accurate. One of the things that we are doing at the moment is really restricting the content generation to industries that don’t have a direct impact on the on the well being of the of the end user, we don’t want to be part of those people that are propagating like fake news or fake advice or things that can be detrimental to, to end users. So right now, like even our beta testers, and the companies that we will have access to our tool won’t be able to generate content on on specific topics, because we think that AI is not enough reliable on these on these topics. And we have a really ethical approach of the AI. We are not here to replace human. We are not we are here to help human create more. And we are not here to just say, you know, the responsibility is just for the end users about generating a bunch of fake content or misleading content. We want to make sure that our tool is used for good purposes.


The Startup Coach 

What would you say to people who are concerned that AI generated content is replacing human creativity?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

And you will have a lot of different answers on that. On that topic. And you there’s a spectrum from real pessimistic to very optimistic. I think it’s somewhere in the it’s somewhere in the middle I think AI Generated Content AI as we see them right now as they exist right now. They don’t have any intent. If your computer is closed, they will just sit there or If the service is not running, the AI will just sit there and we will not decide to create something. There’s always a human behind that says, hey, you know what I want to create that allows me to create it, give me your insight. So one of the things that AI does is to augment the possibilities of human brain, because it has this capacity to merge a lot of data sources information, and put them into one one answer which where we are limited as you as humans is that we can only reference ourselves to some to limited amount of information, I really think that finding new ideas, finding new opportunities, there’s a huge field that’s seen only possible to be done by human brain. And by because we have a model of the of the world that’s way more refined than AI model. Ai models, right now, they have been trained on internet data, okay, and the internet is not a copy one to one of the real world. It’s an alteration of view of the real world. So like, let’s say, if you train yourself only on newspapers, if you train a model on your newspapers, the mental model that the AI is going to create for itself will be based on this information. And this information is not really optimistic, there’s an over representation of maybe problematic events. But a human knows that, yes, people get stabbed in the street, but 99% of your life, if you’re working in the street in Montreal, 99.999% of the time, you won’t get stopped. And this is where we know that AI has a bias that doesn’t represent the real world. And so humans still have a huge playing field to be creative, because the AI will help them to enhance their creativity, but will not replace them. Because the AI is not understanding the world as we do.


The Startup Coach 

I think we’re in a evolutionary period, where our focus is going to change. Way back in prehistoric age, our focus was on survival eating, hunting, than we had got better tools, bows and arrows, guns, we had to spend less time hunting now we can just go to the grocery store and order food. So we’re thinking more about content creation and other things in our life. So I started looking at how that applies to AI and content creation. What do you see I drafting goal and AI in general and its impact on the content creation industry? Do we change our focus and say, we’re not focused on the writing of the content now, but now we’re focused on the abstract ideas of the concepts we’re trying to get across?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

Absolutely. I think like the the abstraction too, we find it a lot when we generate content, we find that it will not regurgitate, because it will be too easy to say that, but it gets a lot of information puts it together. But there’s no there’s no real dimension to that, that the human can create in its mind. And I really, really see like, the summary intent of trying to make an AI funny, tell me jokes and everything, it will kind of get the gist of what’s a joke, but we joke like friends joke like, on the moment that you were here at the bar, it cannot do it. So really, like when you do content creation, there’s that capacity to say, a you know, there’s two answers to this question. There’s one that’s very smart, and that there’s one that super quickly and people would understand in in a in a context in in a fashion because it’s the it’s the zeitgeist or something like that. And this is what people are going to focus on. When right when using AI generated content. What we say from our side is that all copywriters they are not going to be eliminated, they are going to become chief editors. So they will have more time to decide, hey, you know I want to work more on that angle. I want to work more on that idea. And this is the this is the big difference between what’s going to happen in the future is that people are going to become chief editor they will spend less time writing but more time working on the ideas and correcting what AI is is generated.


The Startup Coach 

There’s a lot of fear around AI right now and I call the halt. Ai moving forward Canada even just like a day or two ago released some new legislation around AI development. I haven’t read it yet and I haven’t seen any Indians, but what is the issue the expectation that AI is going to kill us all?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

Okay, this is a very philosophical question. And my answer is only my own thoughts. It’s not the truth is, it’s just an opinion. And my opinion is fear on AI. Because the wow effect game with unrealistic expectations about what AI can do right now, I’ve been talking a lot with a lot of people that are not in the AI field. And they just think that AI can do everything, and can do everything right now, it’s not the truth. So this is, this is one thing. What’s scary about AI, if we look at industrial revolution, or the internet is that the transition happened over a timeframe that allowed people to adapt themselves to the new paradigm, this was very important because the industry, the society, the economy, adapted itself to this new technology, the curve of adaptation for AI is very fast is very fast. And even people that are working in the AI field cannot really tell you how sophisticated is an AI, or you know how far it can go in terms of executing. So one of the challenge is how we deal with that transition, where we will go from word pre AI to world post AI, how long it’s going to take and our violent is going to be in terms of changes, my opinion, is that the main danger and again, it’s always like the main danger. The main danger is are humans, when there’s a transition, when there’s uncertainty, when there’s fear, we might have a reaction that going to be to ourselves as a society’s AI, replacing a lot of a lot of activities and lots of jobs is going to be to happen first in all those tedious tasks, all that that requires cognitive loads, but they don’t have a lot of reward as a human on the other on the other end. And this these are things that are the first not jobs, but activities within jobs that are going to be eliminated employee that’s going to sit in the boardroom with the with the rest of the team being an AI, it’s not there yet, it doesn’t it doesn’t exist yet, we need to understand that we are talking about large language models that are probabilistic models, they don’t have consistency over time, they don’t have personality over time, AI is going to remove tasks. And some of those tasks are going to impact the employability of some people. 10 years, 15 years, it’s another story because the pace of development is so fast and the incentive of building those arms, what I was calling arms to the different AI is, in the next few years, the incentive is really high. So there’s a risk there. But yeah, I think we need to have a political framework, we need to have this conversation not only it’s not only the people working in AI that should decide what AI should be capable of doing. It’s the society at large, definitely, there should be some guardrails to protect us from misuses from disrupting the economy without bringing any any value in return. There’s optimism but there’s pessimism at the at the same time. And I think it’s every day you balance between one and the other. But very interesting question. And the answer can be topic of 15 hours conversation. So


The Startup Coach 

as an AI founder, we’re talking about the dangers, you know, we’re using AI as a tool to help us perform and do these things. At what point does AI start using us as a tool and AI becomes our boss?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

Brian, sir, I think I’m referring to boot from Yuval Noah are real models, I think. And there’s this theory saying that humans are the bootloader for for the AI you Valerie was saying in one of his books he was saying a at the moment AI will be outsourcing to human the activities it cannot do if we talk only about decisions we can see. And we will see in the next 234 years companies for example, companies that are managing risk managing risk is about making pragmatic decision about lots of different data sources and information that we have a lot of difficulty to compute and to assimilate in your in our brain. AI is going to be really, really really good at that. And for sure, in the insurance industry. The main source of decision might be an AI and it might not be a human human would be fed this information but 99% of the decision will be already made because it’s really difficult as a human to say I feel that you’re too billion data points less relevant to my few million data points, it’s very difficult to say that I think working for the AI not going to happen now. But you might end up doing a job where most of the decision would not belong to a human that we belong to in the eye.


The Startup Coach 

I used to work for Deloitte and Touche, and at the time, we had 5700 employees, they merged, they’re like, way bigger than that now. And our auditing group was one of the biggest groups and I sit back and I look at all those out in the 1000s of auditors and say, you know, are these types of jobs that are going to be decimated by AI, when AI seems like they can pour through your data and tell you where there’s problems a lot faster than humans?


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

Yeah, it always comes down to how much output that we are able to generate AI will be able to generate on specific task and output that you cannot even compare to human this is as simple as that, again, those jobs, I really think that those jobs will be transformative will be changed will be adapted to, to this new paradigm. And, and maybe because the AI will be able to audit, some aspects that are very data oriented, and maybe some also some that are human oriented, there will be maybe a shift, and people would audit more like how the organization work, and I’ll do the human interact. But man, it’s, it’s super, because each time I say something, I just think about what can happen in the next 10 years. And in the next 10 years, the capacity of an AI to understand human interaction with the organization will increase. And we will be also in that paradigm where it’s going to be able to do on not only quantitative but qualitative assessment, there’s going to be changes and the SWOT I was saying before, the incentive of using an AI for example, to to do audits is super high, because the salary of auditors are very high. If you are able to do an AI that costs you even like alpha of the price of all your auditors for the same output, you might decide to say, You know what, I’d rather have an AI that’s going to do it like all the time, it’s difficult, but it’s difficult also to imagine a world where company companies are just an AI talking to another AI talking to another AI, because where is the human there? Where is the economical incentive for us people are starting to talk about universal revenue, it’s ideas that were not conceivable, let’s say, eight months ago, now are part of the conversation as we as the one on where are we now


The Startup Coach 

you’re currently part of the Next AI cohort. Can you tell us about your experience so far, and what the Next AI program for others considering to joining in the future,


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

we’ve started the goat last March, beginning of March. So we are part of the Next AI Montreal, there’s a chapter in Toronto. And then there’s a bunch of other startups that are scattered around. Around Canada, it’s a great incubator, because it’s focused on the eye. Again, the incubator and the value I’m at the office right now we have record offices and so on. But the real value is to be with all these AI intrapreneurs they are working on very different topics, very different problems on a daily basis, you confront yourself, you find new ideas, you for your Exchange, and, and so on, it’s great man, I would really recommend it because what we’ve been doing in a month, it would have taken us like six months to achieve the management that next year I does everything to put us in the best condition. So we have access to a lot of perks, lots of mentors, really like world class mentors. It’s absolutely insane, like people we have access to and the workshops I did, or the company incubators in the in the past. But by far this is like the best incubator I’ve been into. And I really highly recommend it.


The Startup Coach 

As an AI founder, you got to be checking out all sorts of new technologies, what tools would you recommend? It’s tough because


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

there’s a there’s like 50 tools being launched, like on a on a daily basis. So it’s and a lot of them, to be honest, like a lot of them are just copycats of other things because building a simple AI tool is so it’s so easy right now are to GPT is the word that everybody has in mouse right now. So to GPT that allows you basically it’s kind of two AI agents talking to each others and they can generate like a whole workflow an old set of, of instructions to execute a complicated task. It’s funny because it’s part of the Twitter community so the I really highly recommend anyone working in AI right now to go on the AI, Twitter, whatever you think about Twitter, but the AI tutor is really interesting, because there’s lots of accounts that are run by people that are just doing like, tests on AI and getting an AI to talk to another one and everything. And then you just find out that man, these guys are solving, like maybe a problem that I could use to solve another problem. Another problem, so but auto GPT is definitely super interesting and how far this can go, I don’t know. But we actually we are working on it at the moment. And it’s, it’s super fun.


The Startup Coach 

If you have a favorite book you’d recommend for entrepreneurs.


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

It’s tough, because I’ve read I spent a lot of time reading entrepreneurs books, and now I read more about like, macro and, and so on. And I spend a lot of time reading about news about AI because they are what helps us to do our pilots. I think though, the one that’s the most simple and at large that works for everyone is there is always the Lean Startup because like the premises are always the same. We try to do that. And we always find that we fail at applying exactly what they what they say is like launching fast failing fast and testing a lot a bunch of of things. I think it always works. And it’s industry agnostic. So it should be used by


The Startup Coach 

everyone. What is next for you and draft and goal. We have a


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

lot of beta testers, we are opening these to larger accounts. Now we are planning to scale by the end of this year, I think this is really like the main challenge for us internally is to grow the team. And if you’re interested you will you can send us an email, they will I will be think there will be some links somewhere and you can reach out to me or to my co founder to grow the team, there’s good there’s going there’s a high demand for really skilled people in the AI field right now. So this is going to be a real challenge. It’s really developing the AI workflow and understand how we can make an AI very specific to an industry and a company because one of the things that we need to understand is that the what we see with AI and large language models, and whatever will be the form in 1015 years, 1015 years, everyone will have an AI that will be some kind of extension of yourself the same way you have a mobile phone right now, that’s going to have a lot of information about you. And that’s going to help you execute more things or do more interesting things with your life training model and making things smaller and making them more specific. I think this is the way we’re going with


The Startup Coach 

draft and go. Where can people go to find out more? First, they


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

can go to our website, it’s HTTPS They can follow us on on Twitter, they can reach out to us we are like our inbox is always open. We this is what’s exciting about the AI right now we’ve made a lot of contact just with people very interesting, contact us people that reach out to us through LinkedIn or our contact form on our on our website. By next week, we are making some announcement, it will be very interesting for people to see what we are doing. And we are opening the beta to the larger public. So it’s going to be interesting to have the feedback of the of the users at the same time. And it will be totally free, by the way, open beta. So everyone


The Startup Coach 

should go to and sign up for the open beta. Yeah. I really appreciate you taking the time today to be part of startup talk. Yeah, thank you


Nabil Tayeb of Draft and Goal 

very much for giving me the opportunity to talk a bit more about what we do because it’s important for startups to spread out the words because most of the time we’re in the office and working on our stuff. And it’s important to let the community know that there’s a lot of things happening. So thank you for organizing startup talks and doing everything that you do.



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