Marketing Automation Mastery Podcast

Marketing Automation Mastery Podcast

TSB16 – Top 10 tips to achieve ANY Goal - Three Steps Business

January 14, 2015

On this Podcast Episode

* My top 10 tips on how to achieve any goal in life
* My two bonuses and probably the most important tips of all

How do you achieve ANY goal?
Break them into smaller, more reachable goals. Take these smaller goals and reduce them into discernible action steps. Goals are reached in stages, not all at once.
1. Turning Goals into Actions
When you're breaking your goals into action steps, pick reachable targets. Make the action step something you’re capable of finishing.
2. You and Your Cluttered Garage
Cleaning out a garage is a laborious task and it has to be completed in stages, one box of items at a time.

In much the same way, reaching your goal involves moving one box at a time.
3. The Devil’s in the Details
Details are more important than you probably realise. Use action words to define your tasks. Don’t write ‘gym’ or ‘garage sale’ on your to-do list, write ‘run for 45 minutes’ or ‘sell the old furniture in the garage’.
4. Keep It Realistic
We break goals into steps to make them more realistic. Goals are FAR more achievable when compartmentalized into bite-sized chunks. By reducing their size and scope, the goals become far less daunting.
5. Monitor Your Progress
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Monitor your progress and log it in a journal; this will help you stay motivated while working toward your goal.
6. Be Realistic
If you know how to set realistic goals, you can make any dream a reality. When we talk about goals, being realistic simply means looking at the big picture. It does not mean that you are being limited. With enough commitment, planning and determination, you can achieve nearly anything.
7. Be Specific
The first step in creating realistic goals is to be as specific as possible. Don’t say “I want to lose weight” say “I want to go from size ‘X’ to size ‘Y’.”
8. Evaluate Your Skills
Is your goal something that you've got the already have the skills to achieve? If you don't have the necessary skills it doesn't mean you can’t reach your goals, but it does mean you have skills to learn. Build the necessary education into your timeline.
9. Are the Resources Ready?
Do you have the necessary resources to reach the goal in question? Identify all the resources you'll need to accomplish your goal and then take stock of what's currently available. Obtain what’s needed or make a plan to do so.
10. Time Considerations
When it comes to reaching your goals, time needs to be a huge consideration. All goals take time to reach, so make sure you build enough into your schedule to see the necessary tasks through to completion.
Bonus #1: Research Your Roadblocks
Roadblocks will emerge on the path to realising your goal. The best way to minimise the number you encounter is to do the necessary homework before getting started. Learn from the experience of those who’ve undertaken a similar journey.
Bonus #2: Identify your natural strengths and weaknesses.
Ask yourself whether or not you're able and willing to do all of the necessary work. That's what being realistic is about.

So, there you have it the top 6 six reasons on how to set your goals and more importantly how to get started.


In the next episode I'll be sharing with you a very useful technique on how to get around doing this correctly and in the last part of this series I'll be touching on how to make sure you actually achieve what you want to achieve.
In the meantime... Any other tips you would like to share?
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