Latest Episodes
Jupiter Opposition III
Jupiter is like a mini solar system. The Sun’s largest planet has a family of almost a hundred known moons. Most of them are little more than cosmic flotsam – chips of rock and ice no more
Jupiter Opposition II
Jupiter is backing up. The planet is in the “retrograde” portion of its trip across the sky. Instead of its usual eastward motion against the background of stars, it’s moving to the
Moon and Venus
The Moon and the planet Venus – the brilliant “evening star” – put on a spectacular display tonight. They’ll be separated by the width of a couple of fingers held at arm&
Earliest Sunset
The days are continuing to get shorter here in the northern hemisphere. That provides a lot of time to get out and enjoy the night sky. But over the next few weeks, one part of that trend will head th
Jupiter at Opposition
Earth is about to catch up to Jupiter, the solar system’s largest planet. We’ll pass between Jupiter and the Sun on Saturday. As a result, Jupiter is putting on its best performance of the
Antarctic Feedback
Stars can act like they don’t want company. Radiation and “winds” of charged particles – especially from young, heavy stars – can clear away the gas and dust around them.
Cosmic Bruiser
Ann Hodges was taking a nap on her sofa when she did something that other people just sing about: She caught a falling star. Or to be more accurate, a falling star caught her. It left a big bruise on
Tachyons are a bit, well – tacky. These hypothetical particles would travel faster than light. They’ve never been detected, but scientists keep on studying them. The particles have implica
Vanishing Bubbles
We’re a long way from developing warp drive – a way to travel faster than light. But scientists have an idea of what the end of a warp trip might sound like – a short, high-frequency
Interstellar Travelers
We can’t travel to other stars yet – and maybe we never will. But other residents of the solar system can tour the galaxy. At the same time, former residents of other star systems can visi