Latest Episodes
Rho Cassiopeia
Like the Sun, Rho Cassiopeia is a class G2 star. That means their surface temperature is the same, so they both look yellow. But that’s just about the only thing they have in common. Rho Cass is
Winter Solstice II
The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year – the shortest gap between sunrise and sunset. After the solstice, the days gradually get longer, all the way until summer solstice, in June.
Winter Solstice
Winter will spring on the northern hemisphere in the wee hours of tomorrow morning – the winter solstice. That makes today and tomorrow the shortest days of the year – the shortest interva
Moon and Regulus
Space agencies have been sending missions to the Moon for more than six decades. More than a hundred of them have succeeded. And each success has told us a little bit more about our satellite world.O
Martian Evening
If you were camping on Mars right now, you’d see a couple of bright lights low in the west at nightfall. The brighter and higher of the two is Venus. Just as it does for those of us on Earth, it
Moon and Mars
It’s generally a good idea to make sure your potatoes are dirt-free before you dig in. If you’re on Mars or the Moon, though, it might be good to mix them with dirt. The combination might
Moon and Gemini
To the eye alone, the star Castor looks like a single pinpoint of light. It’s one of the “twins” of Gemini. But Castor takes the “twins” business to an extreme. Instead o
Call it “The Revenge of the Scrawny.”The Procyon star system was born with two stars. One was bigger and heavier than the other, so it shined much more brightly. Because of that showiness
Long-Night Moon
Moon lovers, rejoice! Tonight’s full Moon will be in view longer than any other full Moon of the year – the Long-Night Moon.The full Moon lines up opposite the Sun, so it does just the op
Geminid Meteors
Friday the 13th brings a bit of bad luck for skywatchers this year. The Geminid meteor shower is at its peak, and it’s generally one of the year’s best, with peak rates of more than a hund