Atenea Americana - by Stanford Hispanic Broadcasting

Atenea Americana - by Stanford Hispanic Broadcasting

The State of Latino Entrepreneurship

April 24, 2017

The growth in the number of Latino-owned firms in the United States is outpacing growth in number among other firms in the nation. In fact, the five-year average growth rate in the number of Latino firms has remained at double or triple that of the national average for the past fifteen years. All this growth presents a great opportunity to expand the U.S. economy, and data shows the importance of Latino new businesses in the whole economy.
Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative has been doing research about the state of Latino entrepreneurship and small businesses for the last two years. Their latest research surveyed a national sample of over 4,900 Latino-owned businesses.
To talk about SLEI’s research and about its presentation this year at the Oberndorf Event Center at Stanford, we invited Tiq Chapa, Program Manager, and Natassia Rodriguez Ott,  Research Analyst from Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative (SLEI).
Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative is part of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies at the Graduate School of Bussines at Stanford University.
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