Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Daniel Morell: Mission Aviation – Till the Whole World Hears

September 13, 2024

Daniel Morell

Mary chats with mission aviation support specialist Daniel Morell. Many have heard of EAA AirVenture that takes place every July in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, as aircraft enthusiasts from all over the world come to town to celebrate airplanes of every kind. What people may not know is that a contingent of Christ-centered mission aviators also come to town, and we want to find out all they are accomplishing to further the gospel via the air. Using aircraft to spread the gospel in remote areas seems to be the last link to finishing our Great Commission. We look at organizations like MASA and JAARS and talk about how God is using them in these days. JAARS own mission statement is, “We reduce barriers, ease burdens and deliver God’s Word. We do that by training, equipping, deploying and sustaining individuals, teams and stations to aid in the work of proclaiming the gospel to the whole creation.”. Till the whole world hears!




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