Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Replay: Mary Danielsen: Gnosticism – Hate the Gnosticism, Love the Gnostic

September 18, 2024
Mary Danielsen

Mary Danielsen

Mary talks today about Gnosticism, the mother of all cults and originator of all heresy. The early church battled it – and addressed it in the New Testament. Why should we care about Gnosticism? It truly goes back to the garden, it presents a universe where the Serpent wins in the end; it IS the spirit of antichrist. When the bible talks about “vain philosophies” and denial of the resurrection, Gnosticism is in view. There is so much fascinating history here, and a few things you may not have seen coming. Plot twists and modern gnostic films and cults – it’s a packed hour. “Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”  2 Corinthians 10:5

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