Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Replay - Usama Dakdok: Lies in the Textbooks that are Destroying our Children's Faith

June 19, 2024

[Original airdate: 10/5/23] Mary Danielsen talks to author, speaker and Islam expert Usama Dakdok about the lies in America’s textbooks. The war on our kids isn’t just related to gender and alternative lifestyles; we must remember that there is deep spiritual deception in the schools. If the bible is not truthful about Israel, the Land, the Book and her enemies then it’s not true about anything. He shows us that Islam is rotting us from the inside and the results may just be that our children may never open the Book ever again once they are grown.  A timely expose of how our enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.

Usama is the author of “The Generous Qu’ran”, the only truly accurate English translation of the Koran available. Other translations sanitize and sugarcoat the harsher tenets of this political movement disguised as a religion. With Americans having fought wars in Islamic states for decades now, it is valuable to understand what they believe.


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