Stand Out Be You

Stand Out Be You

Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life | SOBY 056

January 21, 2019

Why is it that some people have the ability to hit the ground running, reaching success while others are left behind in the dust? What is it that allows some people to set and achieve their goals, while others can’t seem to find their way forward?

In the end, it all comes down to mindset. On recent episodes of the podcast, we’ve been talking about balancing the six most important areas of life: character, love, purpose, community, health, and business. Having these six areas in sync can really streamline your path to success—but how do you change your thought patterns in order to bring them into balance?

On today’s episode, your host Tequila dives into what it means to improve your mindset, and how to change your thoughts to change your life. With a better strategy, and a little mental decluttering, you can start mapping your path to success today!

Creating a Mindset Transformation

It all comes back to mind. We are what we think; we do what we put our minds to.

In many of our podcasts, we hear from guests who’ve worked to transfer their skills from the corporate world to their own small businesses…and Tequila has a similar story as well!

In her years in the corporate world, Tequila consulted with many people who needed a strategic mental pick-me-up. By helping them learn to bring those crucial six areas of life into balance, Tequila helped clients earn more success in business and life. And that’s a strategy she’s adapted for the podcast today: helping you learn to transform your mind and change your thought patterns for more success in life.

Because the truth is, we’re constantly creating our own reality. Our goals and wishes—literally, our thoughts—are the things that shape our future. So in other words, adapting your mindset might just be one of the most life-changing lessons you’ll ever learn!

Listen On to Find Out:
  • What to do if you already feel off track or defeated in the new year
  • Tequila’s strategy for helping her clients bring their lives into sync
  • Small ways to change your thoughts to change your life
  • Which five key areas of life should be aligned first
  • Why Tequila’s business background inspired her to help others change their minds

Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life

It’s time for a change. And that comes with small steps, with a little mental work, and with a lot of support. In the Stand Out Be You Facebook community, we’re always working together and holding each other accountable for our goals. Join us and get more tips and tricks from your host Tequila, plus past podcast guests, to help you as you reframe your mindset.

Plus, if you’d like to join the FREE Soul Nurturing Six-Day Challenge, you’ll be able to start transforming your mind in just one week (yes, really!). With short lessons from Tequila, as well as an application to help you document your progress, you’ll be on the path to a mindset transformation before you know it. Claim your spot here, and get ready to challenge yourself!

