St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

08-10-14 10:30 am “You Can Get Out of the Boat” The Rev. Dan Rogers

August 18, 2014

Jesus came to save souls!  You can be sure of that!  But this doesn’t mean that his followers should sit around fat and happy, comfortable and safe.  No, a life lived properly with Jesus should be a bit risky.  Risky behavior can be dangerous!  It can also be fun, exhilarating, and exciting.   In this week’s gospel reading, we see Peter took a risk.  He got out of the boat, and because of who Jesus is and all that He has done, you can confidently take risk and “get out of the boat!â€

Who is the Rev. Dan Rogers?

Pastor Dan, originally Spartanburg, SC, has been in full-time ministry for over 20 years.  A former University of Georgia football player, Pastor Dan and his wife Michelle, finished college and joined the staff of “Athletes in Action.” In 2008, after completing a Masters of Divinity degree from Reformed Theological Seminary, Pastor Dan received a call to become the lead pastor and church planter of Christ the King Dorchester, a multi-cultural church in Boston’s inner city. Pastor Dan, Michelle, and their five children love the city of Boston and feel so privileged to serve Jesus’ church there.

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