St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

08-03-14 AM “Road Signs to the Feast” Seminarian John Sosnowski

August 11, 2014

Isaiah 55:1-5, Psalm 17, Matthew 14:13-21

The feeding of the 5000 is the only miracle of Jesus recounted in all 4 Gospels. Might this be simply a unique coincidence? I doubt it. If then it is by Divine design,  what would our Lord have us recognize in its significance? How is God revealing Himself and his purposes, in the feeding of so many, from so little, so very long ago? If we recognize the signs placed in our path, we may ind ourselves face to face with our Creator, lost in Awe, and Wonder and Praise.

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08-03-14 8am Pentecost 8 Bulletin

08-03-14 1030am Pentecost 8 Bulletin

08-03-14 6pm Pentecost 8 Bulletin