St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

07-20-14 “The Agony and the Ecstasy” The Rev. David Booman

July 29, 2014

In our Romans passage from what has been called the greatest chapter in the Bible, Paul takes us on an exhilarating spiritual gallop. From death to life, from execution to resurrection, from the ecstasy of love to the agony of childbirth, Paul uses a rich palette of evocative images to show us what it really means to follow Jesus. On this day, buckle up, set aside any preconceptions, and follow Paul where you’ve never been before.

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07-20-14 8am Pentecost 6 Bulletin

07-20-14 1030am Pentecost 6 Baptism Bulletin

07-20-14 6pm Pentecost 6 Bulletin