SSI Live Podcast

SSI Live Podcast

Latest Episodes

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 83 – Explaining Afghanistan’s Downfall – Mason
June 15, 2023

How did Afghanistan fall to the Taliban after 20 years of effort by the United States and its allies? SSI Live host Dr. John R. Deni invited his SSI colleagues Dr. Chris Mason to address the end of America’s longest war and to help shed light on the key r

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 84 – Can the West get Counterinsurgency Right? – Mason
June 15, 2023

The fall of Afghanistan raises serious questions about whether the United States and the West more broadly are able to successfully implement what military practitioners call Foreign Internal Defense, or supporting a friendly foreign government under atta

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 82 – Striking the Balance – US Army Force Posture in Europe, 2028 – Pfaff, Clark
June 15, 2023

Within the context of Europe, the US Army must develop a force posture that best navigates the tensions between deterring or defeating armed conflict at an acceptable cost, successfully competing below armed conflict, and maintaining global responsiveness

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 81 – Addressing Hypercompetition in the Indo-Pacific Theater – Freier, Schaus
June 15, 2023

Given the multifaceted great power competition underway in the Indo-Pacific theater, how can the United States military best position itself? What role can and should the Army play in facilitating a joint approach? After a two-year hiatus, SSI Live return

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 79 – Avoiding the Trap in U.S.-China Relations – Gellert, Lai, Troxell
June 15, 2023

Getting the Indo-Asia-Pacific and relations with China right is the key to a peaceful and prosperous 21st Century. The challenge for the U.S. administration, and for policy experts writ large, is to build an effective strategy for a whole-of-government ap

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 78 – The New National Defense Strategy – Bolan, Freier, Deni
June 15, 2023

The Helsinki summit meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin may be the first step in a rapprochement between the United States and Russia. If so, what are the strategic and policy implications in Europe, with specific regard to the security of U.S. all

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 77 – Multi-Domain Battle and the Pacific Theater – Freier
June 15, 2023

In gross or raw potential, the United States remains the worlds leading global military power. At present though, American power is either dormant in or ill-adapted to many if not most of the worlds most important competitive spaces. American military p

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 76 – Decertification of the Iranian Nuclear Deal – Bolan
June 15, 2023

On 13 October, President Trump announced his intention not to certify Irans compliance with the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) and threatening to leave the nuclear deal altogether if it was not amended in various ways. Why did the President a

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 75 – Rotational Deployments vs. Forward Stationing – Deni
June 15, 2023

Continuing security challenges in Eastern Europe, as well as saber-rattling on the Korean Peninsula, have raised questions once again about the capabilities, posture, and positioning of U.S. overseas forces. In this podcast, SSI Live host Dr. John R. Deni

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 74 – The Trump Administration’s New Afghanistan Strategy – Mason
June 15, 2023

On 21 August, President Trump announced a new strategy toward the conflict in Afghanistan, Americas longest war. Whats new about the strategy? Does a renewed focus on Pakistan, and the role it plays in Afghanistan, have any chance of succeeding? And how