SSI Live Podcast

SSI Live Podcast

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SSI Live Podcast – Ep 103 – Terrestrial Responses to Space Aggression – Gurantz, Deni
November 20, 2023

Terrestrial Responses to Space Aggression Russia and China have both tested ground-based anti-satellite missiles as well as on-orbit anti-satellite weapons. The latter include projectiles launched from one satellite to another and satellites that can gr

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 102 – Ellis on Elections in Argentina Ecuador Venezuela
October 30, 2023

Implications of Elections in Argentina, Ecuador, and Venezuela Its election season in South America, and the outcomes in three key countries have somewhat surprised observers. The implications for Argentinas flailing economy, the narcotics-fueled viol

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 80 – Is a Reset with Russia in the Offing – Bolan, Freier, Deni
June 15, 2023

The Helsinki summit meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin may be the first step in a rapprochement between the United States and Russia. If so, what are the strategic and policy implications in Europe, with specific regard to the security of U.S. all

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 101 – What’s the Real State of the Russia-China Relationship – Hamilton
June 15, 2023

SSI Live 101 Whats the Real State of the Russia-China Relationship? The debate over the nature of the Russia-China relationship remains unsettled. One side believes the two are strategic partners, while the other believes their ties are merely an ax

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 100 – Panama’s Evolving Relationship with China – Ellis
June 15, 2023

SSI Live 100 Panamas Evolving Relationship with China Panama is a relatively small country but one of pivotal strategic importance in our hemisphere, especially given the role of the Panama canal and the related financial services industry. Dr. Evan

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 99 – AI in Today’s (and Tomorrow’s) Military – Pfaff
June 15, 2023

SSI Live 099 AI in Todays (and Tomorrows) Military What are the implications of the U.S. military incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into what it does during peacetime, in conflict, and everything in between? How does trust figure into the

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 98 – One Year On – Russia’s War on Ukraine – Nation, Blank, Hamilton
June 15, 2023

SSI Live 098 One Year On: Russias War on Ukraine With the Russian war in Ukraine having just reached its one-year mark, how can we assess outlook for Ukraine? Is there reason for Kyiv or Moscow to be optimistic, given the current trajectory? And

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 97 – One Year On – Russia’s War on Ukraine and the Role of the EU – Biscop
June 15, 2023

SSI Live 097 One Year On: Russias War on Ukraine and the Role of the EU With the Russian war in Ukraine having just reached its one-year mark, how can we assess the role of the European Union (EU)? Have its diplomatic, political, economic, and milita

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 96 – One Year On – Russia’s War on Ukraine and the Role of Latin America – Ellis
June 15, 2023

SSI Live 096 One Year On: Russias War on Ukraine and the Role of Latin America With the Russian war in Ukraine having just reached its one-year mark, its clear that economic sanctions against Russia as well as the provision of military equipment and

SSI Live Podcast – Ep 95 – Putin Mobilizes as Ukraine Advances – Nation, Blank, Hamilton
June 15, 2023

SSI Live 095 Putin Mobilizes as Ukraine Advances Ukraines recent battlefield successes, Putins partial mobilization, Moscows annexation announcement, and the Kremlins nuclear saber rattling all add up to a shifting outlook for Russias war of aggr