Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza: Outside magazine's Brian Alexander & the Future of the Olympics

January 14, 2016

Our guest today is Brian Alexander is a writer and author based in California. A frequent contributor to NBCNews and Outside magazine, his work has appeared in The New York Times, The New York Times magazine, Wired, Esquire, The Los Angeles Times magazine, and many others. His most recent book is The Chemistry Between Us: Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction, written with neuroscientist Larry Young. Follow him on Twitter at@BrianRAlexander. He is also a frequent contributor to Outside magazine. 

The jury is still out as to who will host the 2024 Olympic Games, and while two cities have already dropped out of the running, balking at the financial drain of hosting, Los Angeles remains in the quest. But is it worth it? 
OUTSIDE Magazine, America’s leading active lifestyle brand, argues no. In fact, while we’re at it, let’s forget about hosting the Olympics in the United States at all—not just in 2024, but forever. Should we? 

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