Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza Radio: MLB's Alex Torres' baseball cap, and sports video games!

June 11, 2015

Welcome to another edition of Sports Palooza Radio with Ej "The Rainmaker" Garr and Lisa Iannucci. The show is every Thursday at 1 pm EST, so be sure to tune in! 

This week, it looks funny, but MLB's Alex Torres swears by his IsoBlox baseball cap. Find out more about this cap on our show today with Mark Panko, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at isoBLOX. 

We'll also catch up with Travis Brinkley about what's new in sports video game entertainment, especially with E3! 

It's also Women's World Cup time! And Ej had the chance to interview Canada's Lauren Sesselmann -- we bring you that interview!