Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza Radio Show

Sports Palooza Radio ~ Olympics Show

February 13, 2014

We have 4 guests who all have some kind of Olympic appearance, whether it be competing or dancing. Shawn Johnson comes on to talk about her 2008 Gold Medal accomplishment and tells us what she is up to after her career and to discuss her website Sharna Burgess from Dancing with the Stars season 16 - 18 comes on to talk about preparing for the upcoming DWTS season and her Olympic appearance in Sydney in 2000. Brendan Hansen comes on to talk about his Gold & Other Medals he has from his Olympic Journeys, and to discuss how the current Olympic athletes can try to cope with the pressure that is on them to perform, the preparing, etc. Sarah Hendrickson, the Pioneer of Womens Ski Jumping who took the first leap in to history this week at the Sochi Olympics, comes on to talk about what it all means to her and her plans for the future. Have you sensed a theme yet? Olympics, Olympics, Dancing & Olympics, and more Olympics!