Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

Latest Episodes

AT Dads 1 – Relationships
January 27, 2021

AT Dads are similar to dads in every other profession: great, average, or awful. Dads are one of the biggest influences in the life of a child for both good and bad. Meet our AT Dads Ed, what is the one question you want answered by the end ...

Emerging Setting with Max Mahaffey
January 20, 2021

An emerging setting is the non traditional roles, athletics, an Athletic Trainer is employed in. The Physician Practice Setting only makes up around 2% of Athletic Trainers currently. About Max:

BFR in Adolescents
January 13, 2021

It is the ultimate biohack, but is BFR in adolescents a good idea? Devin Kielur DAT, LAT, ATC joins Kyle Kimbrell PT, MPT to discuss procedures, protocols, outcome measures...not just hey this is cool...

Goal Setting for Patients
January 06, 2021

Goal Setting can be awkward..."What do you mean what do I hope to get out of coming here today?" I am trying to have a more Patient-Centered Approach to Athletic Training Services, but I have not found a good way for me to ask the questions that the...

Path to Leadership
December 31, 2020

Rick Cox has used the Sports Medicine Broadcast on his path to leadership. Through John's Leadership series Rick has been able to strengthen and improve as a leader in Athletic Training and at home. An interesting fact: Rick was wearing his Sports ...

Adopted ATs
December 25, 2020

Deanna, Kelsey and Jennifer, all Adopted ATs, share their stories to encourage others to compassion and action. Deanna, what is your Adopted AT story? Has a positive story Relationships with both of her biological parents

Earned Leadership
December 22, 2020

When I stepped into the "Head" Athletic Trainer role after 12 years here I thought I had earned leadership credibility. I had, it just did not go as smoothly as I assumed. Kevin Parker and John Ciecko discuss the book About Face by General Hackwort...

Data Collection and Epidemiology
December 16, 2020

Data collection is pretty easy now a days with all of the EMR options. We have plenty of data, but making it tell a story is different. Scott Mullett founder of AT Efficiency has crunched our numbers so we can show you what you can do with them. ...

Conflict Resolution
December 01, 2020

Conflict Resolution is a learned skill. John Ciecko was scared of conflict. By leading the leadership series here on the SMB we have walked through a lot and conflict resolution is a big part of leadership.

Native American ATs
November 25, 2020

Muriel, Wyatt, Marisha, Jasmine and Alyssa are Native American Athletic Trainers. They join John Ciecko and Jeremy Jackson to teach about their background, stories, and experiences. Muriel's Native American Background: