Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

FOOBag with Craig LoNigro

May 31, 2023

FooBag is Craig’s other child. He created the product to keep his AT gear dry after a coach accidentally soaked his whole med kit. Many hours have gone into creating the product that you see today.

5 words to describe FOObag:






FOO – I have ten siblings and we were the jocks in the neighborhood

We were nicknamed the egg rolls

Where did the idea start?

Hofstra University where I met my wife

We were founders of the student AT organization

Summer intern with the New York Jets

I have worked at each level of sports

Got my masters from Hofstra in 2003

Stepped down as the coach/AT to follow my daughter’s college sports careers

I passed the stadium on a rainy day where I always kept my gear on the back of the cart

The coach borrowed the cart to move gear but did not keep my kit out of the weather, it soaked everything in my medkit.

At that moment I knew I needed a solution

I spent about a year or two looking at all the kits to design and create the bag to fit my needs and the other ones on the market.

I wanted to find a local manufacturer so I could make trips there as needed.

The manufacturer showed him a bag they use when onboarding inmates at the penitentiaries

After a few weeks, we had a prototype. Then we tweaked it several times.

And then adjusted the sizes.

We have grown with feedback.

What “version” of the FOObag are you on now?

We now have the 2.0.

Who was your first sale to?

Marissa, a local AT here on Long Island and a long-time friend.

Your biggest haters?

I do not remember anyone giving me a hard time or telling me that it wouldn’t work

Other ATs were a little “jealous” of me thinking of it first.

If you were to start over what would you have done differently?

I would have learned more about social media and online marketing and online sales.

I would like to have switched and delved into other markets earlier.

Contact Us

Craig –

Foobag – @FooBagFoo

Jeremy – @MrJeremyJackson

These people LOVE ATs and help the SMB pay the bills:

Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.

MioTech – meeting all of your sports medicine supply needs – use promo code “1FREECOURSE” to start for free

Donate and get some swag (like Patreon but for the school)

DragonflyMax – one-stop EMR

HOIST – no matter your reason for dehydration DRINK HOIST

MedBridge Education – Use “TheSMB” to save some, be entered in a drawing for a second year free, and support the podcast.

Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.

McDonald; Dermoneuromodulation; Medbridge; CEUs Online CEUs; affiliate link
