Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

Mental Health EAP

August 24, 2021

Do you have a Mental Health EAP? Do you have a athletic injury EAP?

Dr. Hector Lopez of SMASA shares some of the tips for building a mental health EAP for Athletic Trainers

Have you planned what to do in the event of a suicide threat or attempt?

The secondary setting is harder because we are dealing with minors

A good understanding of mental health

Video from YouTube - For NCAA student Athletes’ Mental health: a more educated approach

NCAA Sports Science Institute mental health awareness

According to the WHO it is a state of wellbeing in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities.

Mental illness refers to diagnosable mental disorders and health conditions

There is a stigma that it is a weakness

Myths about Mental health:

* Children do not get mental health issues - 75% begin before age 24* Personality weakness or character flaws cause them* I can not do anything for a person with mental health problems


* Anxiety* Eating disorders* Major depression* PTSD* Adjustment disorder* Social anxiety* Bipolar disorder* Substance abuse* Co-existing learning disabilities* ADHD* Autism spectrum* Chronic Medical illness* Bullying* Hazing* Relationship Abuse* Sexual Assault* Gender Dysphoria* Unexpected Pregnancy* Gambling* Undiagnosed medical issue* Stressors affecting athletes* Team culture* Pressure to perform* Balancing demands

Identifiers for a mental health EAP

ID based on performance

Injury causes isolation or forced retirement

Burnout due to early specialization

Poor performance

“I can’t show weakness”

Dealing with injured athletes:


What does the injury mean to the athlete?

What is your team and AT Clinic culture?

Educate about the diagnosis

Correct any misinformation

Provide a road map for recovery

“Dr. google is a big problem in my world”

An emotional response to an injury is normal




Lack of motivation



Changes in appetite

Sleep disturbance


Response to injury

Stress can lead to increased injury, muscle tension, poor concentration, and performance

Can trigger depression

Problematic emotional responses

Persistent symptoms

Worsening symptoms

Excessive symptoms

Summary of possible symptoms

Barriers to care:


Poor understanding

Difficulty willing to express

Lack of time



Worried about it affecting play

Not accessible