Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

Data Collection and Epidemiology

December 16, 2020

Data collection is pretty easy now a days with all of the EMR options. We have plenty of data, but making it tell a story is different.

Scott Mullett founder of AT Efficiency has crunched our numbers so we can show you what you can do with them.

Daria Oller has researched epidemiology and wants to help turn those numbers into actionable items so that we can change the patterns of injury.

How our Data Collection is answering Admin Questions.

Dollar Value saved the district:

* Ask your stakeholders what numbers they want to see.* The cost of injury for athletes that have gone to the hospital to receive some treatment is $709* Direct cost $168,000* Indirect cost $527,000* There is not a value or cost for them not participating as they are not getting paid to play* These costs are associated with parents' missed work and transporting kids to doctors.* Who are you saving money for?* In high school, it is parents, not the district.* Only 9.9% of injuries at the Penn state campers were sent to the hospital* Healthy Camp studies show 60% of injuries go to the doctor* ADD a “requires doctor visit” button* Document people who went to the ER and the outcomes.* This could be used to help establish a chain of care to get the kids the appropriate care they need.* They increased salary due to the research from the Penn State camps

Treatments per week or day or month:

* Average of 300 interactions per month

Does your Data Collection show preventative practices?

* Add an indicator saying “prevention” to improve data collection* This may take a few years of data to see if the numbers are going up and down.* You can also compare to national research* WE NEED an incoming freshman onboarding program to prevent injuries.* Educate the coaches* 7/12 football concussions were freshman* Maybe head impact monitoring could help

How debilitating are the injuries

The way our data collection was set up is hard to tell.- We do have a "Requires Surgery" button but do not always click it.- We do not have a graded severity scale- We will add the "Time Loss" button to our daily treatment logs

A few questions we could not answer with our Data Collection

* Costs of supplies per kid for strength and conditioning versus rehab* Other services provided* Athletic Training Facility hours/visits per week in healthy versus non-healthy athletes

Tips and improvements from Scott and Daria

Tips from Scott: 

* Some of the gaps: narrow it down with preventative programs* Start small* Get little victories* Demonstrate the importance of staying healthy

Tips from Daria:

* Establish your goal(s).* Have clear operational definitions.* Have objective measures to quantify prevention strategies.* Look to the epidemiology literature.* Go beyond large numbers. * Consider if your documentation system is helping you capture the needed or desired variables.

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Daria Oller