Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

Creating Sports Medicine Content – 612

February 05, 2020

Are you interested in creating Sports Medicine Content?

Todd Sabol's niche is Instagram. You can find him @ToddSportsMed

Calista Kelly creates for where she is the managing editor.

I host the Sports Medicine Broadcast.

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Why do we do it?

Each of us creates content to grow patient care. We work out of our strengths to improve our chosen profession. But all that is useless if you are not authentic.

Todd says – Do it because it helps others and spreads positivity in a world that looks for negativity.

Where do you get started?

Calista Kelly, managing editor fo, says these are her normal places when looking for content creation:

* Online searches* Local and national conferences* Networking with presenters* Course evaluations

She likes for all courses to start is with the learning objectives to keep course concise and congruent.

Sports Medicine content needs to be impactful immediately.

Presenters need to be knowledgable about the subject but also be able to speak well and make adjustments on the fly.

Todd Sabol agrees and adds to just start posting and not worry about being perfect. If you are passionate and look to serve others then you are going to have people who mock you but that's ok

What holds people back from Creating Sports Medicine Content?

Physical Therapy, like Athletic Training, is so broad that the first set of courses were really hard to determine. They did not want to leave out some folks. As they have grown they have gotten deeper into niche markets and courses.

Remember to ask “How can I add value?”

Focus on one idea or technique at a time

Todd figured out he needed a calendar to mix things up. Without this, he would create only one type of Instagram post.

Finding what people want can be really hard as well.

How to Create “Great” content?

Great is subjective, because it’s not what you want to talk about, it’s what the consumer wants.

Everything needs to be cohesive – start with course objective or learner outcomes and then work from those.

How do you know what people want when creating content?

* Course evals – look for repeat answers* How packed courses are at the conference* Watch behavior* What are hot topics* Look at social media

Know the nature of each platform

Facebook sees a lot of clinical questions

Twitter seems to be a lot of posts without as much clinical reasoning

Instagram – appeals to the younger crowd and people looking for quick information

Think about the consumer you are appealing to.

TikTok is almost always 15secs – mostly younger audience.