Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

Incontinence in Female Athletes – 598

November 27, 2019

Dr. Sarah Duvall Joins the Sports Medicine Broadcast to discuss Incontinence in Female Athletes from her years of experience training medical professionals in assessing and treating incontinence.

What is incontinence?

An intimidating word… Dr. Sarah Duvall likes to use leakage instead of incontinence to help break down barriers.

Simply put it is leaking urine or feces, but most commonly it is urine.

What does incontinence look like in the young healthy female athlete?

1 in 4 or 25% or 4 of your 12 volleyball players likely experiences urinary leakage.

You as a health care provider may be able to help them perform better without concern of incontinence.

Dr. Duvall treated a 14-year-old runner who experienced leakage while competing in races.

What are some causes?

Pregnancy is a major contributor and multiple pregnancies increase the chance.

Today we discuss two main types:

Urge – Psychological urgent need to urinate that may be triggered by location or proximity to the bathroom.

Stress-related – emotional or physical stress. This may be due to stretched out bladder or lack of regular urination.

How can athletes figure out the source without seeing a healthcare provider?

Treatments for incontinence:

In normal healthy non-traumatized women retraining your bladder should take about 3 days.

What should ATs know?

With nearly 25% of your high school and college-age female athletes experiencing leakage, ATs need to be comfortable discussing the issue.

The more knowledge we have the better we can treat and refer our patients on to the next qualified provider.

If you are uncomfortable discussing the topic think about it like a shoulder or another body part that is less intimidating.

Watch the conversation and Sarah's Demonstrations

Incontinence in Female AthletesLots of things can cause incontinence in either gender. Female athletes seem to deal with this more foten and many males do not know or understand how to help.Dr. Sarah Duvall is here to help bridge the gap and encourage all medical providers to grow their understandding and help provide more comprenehensive care and education to your patients.Posted by Sports Medicine Broadcast on Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Get in touch with us:

Dr. Sarah Duvall – Core Exercise Solution

Kate Miller – CanDo Academy

Jeremy Jackson

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