Sports Medicine Broadcast
Heroes as Leaders – 593
Who are your heroes?
John Ciecko says this is one of the hardest questions he has asked in the series.
Ultimately his parents and Tom Ford were the final answers.
So who are your heroes? After showing them your gratitude tweet John Ciecko
Are they real people?
This is a really hard question because nobody is perfect and to call them a hero we often have to overlook flaws.
One of my heroes in Athletic Training is Bob Marley. I have told him this more than once and he has joined me on the podcast multiple times.
Bob is kind and helpful, patient and well respected, well-connected and humble.
Then there was John Lineberger in college…there was always an adventure or story to be told with John. I made reference to this video clip during the podcast.
About Kevin Parker
Kevin Parker is a real-life Caddy Shack…He literally got a scholarship to go to college to carry golf clubs.
He got some NATA and GLATA awards too along the way
2014 Above and Beyond award
2018 Gatorade Partners video
How has this event altered your life?
The driving point is that HERO is a label that can only be applied by others.
If you are labeling yourself that you are missing the tenants of that label.
A hero is a label good or bad – each person gets to give that label to each person.
It does not mean they are a good person.
Talk more about the film's effect on you:
It was very uncomfortable but Kevin knew he needed to take a step back to tell the story to promote and encourage others in the profession.
Everyone has their heroes. That day Kevin became one to lots of people
Look to serve others
Go write a thank you note
Today, sit down and write a thank you note to the people who inspire you.
Then send it via text, messenger, email, or good old-fashion pen and paper.
Watch the Heroes podcast on Facebook Live
Heroes as LeadersKevin Parker was featured in a Gatorade Performance Partners video sharing his story of using life saving skills for one of his athletes.Join the conversation as we continue to learn about Heroes as leaders.Posted by Sports Medicine Broadcast on Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Contact Us
Kevin Parker Email – parkekev@aquinas.eduTwitter – @KParker9200
John: @JohnCiecko
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