Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

Preventative Data from Preventicx – 569

July 10, 2019

Kevin Robel joins Dr. Layci Harrison to discuss Preventative Data Analysis.

Have you been in this situation?

You started collecting data on injuries, doctors visits, attendance, and all of these other random things…

Every time some one on Facebook posts about showing your value you get excited…

That turns to frustration due to the inability to do something with the data.

Preventicx – Kevin RobelPreventative Data Analysis.What is your injury prevention worth/Kevin Robel helps us understand how and when to use and collect data to help prevent injuriesPosted by Sports Medicine Broadcast on Tuesday, March 26, 2019

I hate data analysis

It doesn't matter if it is preventative data analysis…

Injury data…

or anything set of numbers that you have to look at and draw conclusions from.

Kevin Robel discusses how we as Athletic Trainers often do not collect data because we are so busy.

What is Preventicx?

A data analysis consultant that helps you move all of your data into a centralized cloud based storage location.

Kevin can help you visualize your data in a way that is easy for the average person to understand.

The future is being given to data analyst

Have you read Moneyball or or Astroball?

The managers of those teams made huge decisions based on data analytics.

Ask any administrator about getting a new person and they will ask you for your data to support the need and the value it would provide to the program.

New administrative jobs are being given to people who can collect, interpret and produce visuals based on data

Want some more info about Preventicx?

Check out the handout Kevin sent me

Preventicx Snapshot 19Download

Contact us:

Jeremy Jackson

Kevin Robel –

Dr. Layci Harrison – Email

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