Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Medicine Broadcast

Sports Performance Coach – 568

July 03, 2019

Jerade Parks is an Athletic Trainer, Sports Performance Coach, life coach, conference host and aspiring public speaker.

That is a whole lot for one person to handle.

For Jerade it is not all fun and games…. He almost lost his car chasing this dream.

Bit of a free Spirit?

Jerade admits he is more free spirited, artsy and very talkative.

He is creating his own space in our ever changing profession. He has experience in a multitude of rehabilitation to performance settings.

For example:

* athletic training* rehabilitation* reconditioning* fitness* sports performance/ athletic development* sport coaching * recovery * nutrition lifestyle-based nutrition coaching

Who are the Sports Performance Coach clients?

This includes treating, training, and coaching general population, weekend warriors, and youth to professional athletics

What more can you have your hands in?

As a somewhat selfish endeavor he began hosting CEU conferences to obtain the certifications or training for free while still getting all of his CEUs in.

This turned out to be a great way for him to build his network, provide a valuable service to Athletic Trainers and related healthcare professionals.

Hire an Expert

Adam Halpern of Innovate AT discusses his recent hiring of a virtual assistant.

Know what you are good at and what you are not. If your talent is being in front of people then hire someone to do the work that keeps you behind a computer.

Jerade hired a business coach

I reached out to a former student of mine about helping compose emails to each guest after the interview and after the episode releases for them to share their interview.

****Update**** My former student Jazmin has been scheduling and send emails for about month and it has been fantastic to have that follow up. Lots of guests have responded which creates a dialog and future opportunities. It was something i wanted but could not manage with everything else.

Contact us

Jerade Parks:

Jeremy Jackson

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