Sports Medicine Broadcast

Mind Mirror AI Concussion Screening
Nobody wants to miss a concussion. Mind Mirror uses your cell phone to measure Pupillary Light Reaction or PLR. Glenn Bowers joins Ben Stephenson and Jeremy Jackson to discuss the new concussion tool.

Artificial intelligence, mobile computing & pupillary light reflex (PLR)
In 2022 Mind Mirror started because I was coaching my kids and missed a concussion with my own son.
We saw an opportunity to take AI tech and pupillary light reflex to assess concussion risk within 30 seconds.
Is Mindmirror used as an on-field assessment tool or a return-to-play tracking/monitoring system?
Both, with the speed of the test and subjectivity taken out of the assessment, it can be a great tool for on-field assessments. It also provides an objective return-to-play measure providing clinicians with the ability to determine safe RTP without bias, subjectivity or dishonesty from patients.
One study found that the PLR test isn’t affected by exertion or emotions which can’t be said about all of subjective tests commonly used for concussion testing.
Mind Mirror doesn’t use baseline tests, so how are normative values collected?
While baseline testing isn’t required it is highly recommended.
Baseline testing for this model is extremely efficient, it only takes 7 seconds for each athlete to be tested and automatically stored in the system.
Will be adding a roster system that can link the rosters with Healthy Roster, Rankone and other EMR software.
Could this help prevent lawsuits and protect athletic trainers when returning players with a possible brain injury? Is it lawfully sound?
There is no single test to definitively determine if a brain injury has occured, we are more practically used as an objective test to determine if symptoms associated with a brain injury are present.
While most concussion testing is subjective we provide an objective measure.
What biomarkers are we testing? (like Sway tests balance, memory, and movement coordination) what makes the PLR test superior to these existing solutions?
Velocity of constriction
Velocity of dilation
The system calculates all 14 biomarkers and provides a probability score ranking them into 3 categories green, yellow, and red.
Green is less than 0.3 probability indicating the brain is likely healthy.
Yellow is between 0.3 – 0.6 probability which is in the middle and requires further testing.
Red is above 0.6 and indicates there is a high chance that the patient has a concussion.
How was the AI software created?
Iris, an old colleague from Italy had a cool idea and I knew that if we could figure out the technology this could be big.
We are already working with the U.S. military, collegiate, and high school settings.
Contact Us:
Mind Mirror –
Glenn Bowers –
Ben Stephenson – _benstephenson
Jeremy – @SportsMedicineBroadcast on IG
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