Sports Medicine Broadcast

Athletic Dry Needling – Scott Dixon

Working definition: Athletic dry needling vs non-athletic dry needling.
There is not a difference between the wording. We aim to take and make dry needling practical and easy to use.
We filmed professional-quality videos that are included in the course.
What got you started in Dry Needling?
I took 12 CEUs per year for 10 years
What is your favorite application?
The cervical seems to give the biggest outcomes
I love when people are stumped or out of options and willing to try anything
Weirdest needle
Needling has a systemic effect
Pelvic floor dry needling
There are a lot of barriers to entry for the secondary school AT.
How do you walk through those?
Get the waiver specific to dry needling.
Use a lot less needles
Include stim and needles to reduce the number of needles needed.
Typically I use 16 -20 needles
Young kids, I use less than 10.
If someone is scared of needles, can they do this course?
We get this often.
I try to get them to try a few and see
We have only had one person no-show on the next day due to the fear of needles
When would you apply E-stim to needling?
Allows you to dose needling – essentially make it more or less intense.
Best used for pain mitigation
If they are hesitant
Find out their objections
You can have anything in the world you want if you help enough people get what they want. – Zig Zigler
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Contact Us
Scott Dixon –
Scott – 904-853-1921
Jeremy Jackson –
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Frio Hydration – Superior Hydration products.
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Marc Pro – Use “THESMB” to recover better.
Athletic Dry Needling – Save up to $100 when registering through our link.