Sports Medicine Broadcast
Biceps Tendinitis a Neurological Case study approach – 195
Here is the scenario:
17 year old female volleyball player
plays club and school alternating seasons
no other sports
Pain in anterior shoulder
go through normal muscle eval
pain on Speed’s test
pain with Yergason’s
Start with heat and ROM exercises
Progress to body weight exercises
Then to t-band exercises
Pain free return to play in about 4 weeks
There are lots of other treatment types we did not do, and likely some evaluations we forgot. One way to improve is to look back, but here we do it with the help of some of my friends and injury experts.
Contact Josh Ogden
Contact Mike McKenney
Show Notes 195
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Tri-Planar performance above T8 requires stability and control of sagittal and frontal plane movements at the pelvis/hip (below T8)
Scapular position is directly related to orientation of Rib-cage over pelvis
Finding reference centers for landing mechanics
Lack of Upper thoracic movement variability (need Subscap/Serratus/Low Trap)
TRICEP facilitation
In the air, you shoulders become your hips, you need controlled mobility
Thoracic mobility is essential for overhead motion
Pec inhibition
Is it really bicep tendonitis?
Differential Diagnoses:
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Rotator Cuff/Supraspinatus
Trigger/Tender point referral pattern from infraspinatus/anterior deltoid
Scap Dyskinesis w/compensatory HG IR = “impingement”?
Concurrent findings:
Overall Hx
Overall tension (e.g. chronic upper trap contraction)
Breathing patterns esp. c/restriction upper R chest?
Neck breather w/rib cage elevation?
Overall posture
Slumped shoulders? Kyphotic? Lordotic? etc.
Forward head/posterior rotated head posture?
Shoulder height variance?
Spinal rotation/curvature
Rib cage/thoracic positioning & mobility
Pelvic stability?
FA IR/ER & Flex limitations?
Imaging - Musculoskeletal US or Arthrogram?
Injections? Relief or no?
Treatment (I use PRI techniques mixed with a lot of traditional techniques, but use whatever you have in your toolbox)
Frontal Plane control thru pelvis and Transverse plane control thru thorax
Rib cage mechanics
Breathing pattern retraining (or manual techniques) as needed to restore IR/ER & remove restrictions
Restore thoracic rotation
Improve Scap Positioning
Inhibit Pecs, lats, upper traps, etc. as needed
Pec minor involvement?
Low Trap & Tricep First
Serratus Anterior
Make sure scap is moving on thorax due to SA activation, NOT Pec activation
SA moves scap on thorax
Pec reinforces anterolateral tilt
Contralateral side
Low Trap/Tricep
No injury is unilateral. Rehabilitate bilaterally.
Compensatory thoracic rotation, pelvic obliquity, etc. needs to be addressed.
RTP considerations
Hitting program
Pay attention to core engagement with hitting
Flying open into extension reduces scap control
Jumping program
Poor jump mechanics places the arm in a poor hitting position before the arm motion even starts
Poor landing mechanics increase injury risk as well as neurological apprehension = decreased power output and increased stress on LHBT, Cuff, etc.