The Sports Backdrop

The Sports Backdrop

SE68 | Fanalyze the Game with Juan Juan

May 17, 2021
Fanalyze the Game with co-founder, Juan Juan | A SportsEpreneur Podcast

Fanalyze states that on average, fantasy sports research per player accounts for 10 hours per week! That’s mind-blowing. Fanalyze aims to simplify and shorten the time spent analyzing the sports data. Simply put, Fanalyze is the fastest way to analyze fantasy sports and sports betting data. Juan Juan, the co-founder, says Fanalyze aims to be The Google of Sports Data.

A startup with significant growth, Fanalyze is a sports tech company that deserves our attention. From their technology to their Founder’s engagement to their ability to see the growth potential in the sports world, we are captivated by what they are building at Fanalyze.

As you know by now, SportsEpreneur is where sports and entrepreneurship collide — so when Charlie Westerman on our team connected with Juan Juan, we knew someone that was literally colliding sports and entrepreneurship (and data and experience) in one business, we just had to learn more about what Juan Juan was up to! We hope you enjoy this episode. 

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Want to collaborate with the SportsEpreneur team? Visit:

Fanalyze the Game with Co-Founder, Juan Juan

Fantasy Football is Time Consuming
Sports Gambling is Big Business
The Fanalyze User Experience
The Google of Sports Data
Entrepreneurship, Tech Startups, Jason Calacanis
Solving Your Own Problem
The Sacramento Startup Scene
Republic, Investing, and Seeding Fanalyze
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Wrap Up:

  • Thank you for listening to this SportsEpreneur podcast episode all about the Google of Sports Data.
  • SportsEpreneur podcast episodes are all about colliding sports and entrepreneurship–we also discuss content creation and marketing.
  • We hope you will Follow the podcast on Apple Podcasts.
  • Intro Music, “escape” was provided by Pluto Tracks
  • Check out more from our sports and business content platform: SportsEpreneur. The place where sports and entrepreneurship collide!

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