Spokes of the Wheel

Spokes of the Wheel

Latest Episodes

Economics - 1. History
April 21, 2020

Economics evolved to maximize exploitation.

Political Onus - 8. Eusocialism
February 14, 2020

The only hope that humanity has to survive to the 22nd is an unprecedented adoption of compassionate cooperation.

Political Onus - 7. The Role of Government
February 14, 2020

What government has failed to do is how humanity has put itself on the precipice of extinction.

Political Onus - 6. Rule of Law
February 14, 2020

Rule of law has often been a ruse for plutocratic tyranny.

Political Onus - 5. Elections
February 14, 2020

Elections can be ill in representing public will, and invariably sire societal divisiveness.

Political Onus - 4. The American Constitution
February 14, 2020

The US constitution was a botched job that Americans have inanely clung to like it was handed down from God.

Political Onus - 3. Ideology
February 14, 2020

Intellectually, ideology is a reflection of what role government ought to have in society. More poignantly, ideology is a doctrinal belief system based upon a person's emotional constitution.

Political Onus - 2. Political Thought
February 14, 2020

Political thought has historically been a contemplation of the human condition and humanity's potential.

Political Onus - 1. Introduction
February 14, 2020

Politics defines the weave of a society's fabric. Polity has not proven an adept seamster.

The Likely Scenario
January 13, 2020

This is the likely scenario for humanity's self-extinction.