Spoken By Elswyth - Femdom Hypnosis

Spoken By Elswyth - Femdom Hypnosis

Orgy or Not – Day 106

June 15, 2022

Orgy or not? A simple question that might reveal a lot.

The whole conversation reminded me of Party of Perversion.

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This is Spoken by Elswyth. The Femdom Hypnosis podcast dedicated to making my perfectly submissive guy.

Today is Day 106, and I’ve a question for you. Orgy, or not? Let’s pretend for a moment there’s no… there are no boring real life repercussions, okay? So there’s no disease, there’s no “oops, somebody fell pregnant!” there’s no cheating or jealousy or hell, no clean-up either. We’ll get the maid to do it, right?

And there’s… twenty people. Twenty people, and I’ll let you split genders or whatever. Whichever way you want in this imagination.

Orgy or not? What about ten people? Hell, what about two hundred people? Now, now don’t over-estimate your abilities, love. You cannot have you and 199 ladies, because that is not… it’s not balanced.

So, yes?

Okay, let’s take this little party and make it smaller again. We’ll say 25, just to keep it interesting, right? And, they’re all in the headspace. Twenty-five. Now of course there really are no real-life repercussions, right? Of what’s going on in that headspace? You can make the room whatever you want to make it. You can go full-on Witcher scene or orgy. You could do… you know, something like red, and black and dark. Find your inner folk singer and you’re all out in the field with some daisies, poppies, whatever floats your boat.

Now are you on board?

Okay, today… is Day 106, as I mentioned. And what I’m going to say next has nothing to do with orgies. I was just mulling it over with someone in my social circle, and.. I like the answers. I really enjoyed knowing that it sounds like most people I know would go for it, if it included a massive amount of people. I’m going to chalk that up to fear of intimacy.

So, we have… three episodes left of this part of this season. You might have worked that out already. And I’m not going to spend all three days in some melancholic practice of, you know, re-treading over the 105 days that came before.

And so I’m not going to take you all the way back to that Year Compass I asked you to fill out. I’m not going to ask you to account for your progress with trigger setting sessions. I’m not going to demand you provide proof that you’re still in possession of your ouchie stick.

You picked up these things and ran with them, or didn’t. Some of it will have resonated with you, you might have shared enjoyable updates, or pictures, with me, and made me quite proud. Or horny. For me, it was most important that I had a partner in you. Partner. Companion. That explored with me and kept an open mind.

Now in a little while, we’re going to start over with Season 4. We are going to set new goals together, and approach them differently. We’re going to have a lot of fun, we’re going to learn some things, things about each other. And I know we’re going back to the Getting Longer idea again, because I know I’ve had so much fun doing that with you.

The repetition, taking you under, and deeper. The stronger experience, I just love it.

And so… your task today is simply to tell me one, just one, tiny thing you think you’ve learned since January First. Let me know what little lesson has changed something, anything for you. It might even be something negative; you learned that I don’t like it when X, or that Y doesn’t work for you. Or that you hate algebra, and that every time I use a variable, it just triggers you.

I won’t be offended. Just find the answer that fits you.

For a Permissive Circumstance, if you’re outside while listening, you have my Permission. Hell you can even stay outside while you satisfy yourself, if you want to… but do find a private spot. I don’t need this turning into some kind of a story.

See you tomorrow.

The post Orgy or Not – Day 106 appeared first on Spoken By Elswyth.