Spoken By Elswyth - Femdom Hypnosis

Spoken By Elswyth - Femdom Hypnosis

4.81 Femdom Hypno Goes Further – Personalize Your Token Now

June 28, 2023

Continue from “Do you want me to steal your mind?”. Or start here, immediately.

This censored version removes some explicit scenes. Find the full version here:

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Today is episode 81, and we’re going to focus on how to take Femdom Hypnosis further by setting a personalised token. Now before we do that, I suspect quite a few of you have missed episode 80. How do I know that? Because it has a shockingly low number of views, compared to just the three or four episodes before it. I suspect it’s because on YouTube, you need to sign in to be able to see it…

Now, if you’ve missed it, please do go back and check it out. The uncensored version, it can be found on my website, but the edited version it’s also quite a bit of fun. In it, you are a Pickup Artist, who is about to meet his match. This may be something you have never considered. I totally get it. More than likely you label yourself as a submissive guy, before you would ever label yourself as a Pickup Artist, wannabe or professional.

But that is exactly why it’s so much fun. It’s a role that’s far removed from your everyday life. And in the uncensored version, it does go into being a whole lot of fun. So consider that to be your homework, after today’s hypnosis session. I want you to go back to episode 80, show it some love, and let me know if you happen to be one of the many on YouTube who didn’t see it the first time around.

We’re going to shake things up a bit. I want to try to jump right into today’s session as quickly as possible… but I do have a few things to explain. First of all, you will need a coin. For this first time through the session, you can go ahead and use any coin. For the next time through, you will know which coin you want to use, and keep. The session, as you go through the first time, it does give you suggestions. Well, like most hypnotic sessions, correct? But it will give you suggestions on possible coins that you might want to consider.

The coin that you plan to keep, it needs to have a heads and tails. It needs to be memorable in some way. You don’t want to go off losing it in the change jar, right? And dear, you don’t want to lose it at all. You can consider it to be a small test of obedience.

The coin before… and yes there is a much older version of this session. I believe it only went out to Patrons and it was a couple years ago… anyway, the coin does make an appearance in some sessions, and I can also have fun with this one, in some of our private messaging, emailing and so on.

Again, the first time through… don’t worry about which coin you have for the second and so on. By then, you will know which one to use. I do recommend using the session at least three times to set the intention, and then after that you can add it in your regular rotation, so it stays sharp.

Now as I hinted at, the SbE Token, it is based on an older session… I’ve upgraded a bit of the language, it’s also now recorded in my better recording space, and also with a much better mic and production.

And one more quick note before I tell you to go off and find a comfortable space where you are unlikely to be interrupted, there are two versions of this session. This one that you’re listening to, it is the edited podcast version for YouTube. You know, so it’ll make its way past the censors. But the original one had something fun in it, and I wanted to keep that as well for this one… so the uncensored, full length version… it is available over on the website. You can just pop over there and download it; SpokenByElswyth.com.

It has a… JOI that kind of runs through the end, and you know… a nice release for you, because I’m good to you. Where do those good things come from? You know the answer to that one.

Now, either version, perfect for Beginners. Even if this is the absolute first thing you’ve ever heard by me. Grab a coin, and continue on. You’ll do fine. You will reach a deeper stage of trance, thanks to a unique induction, and a thorough deepener.

Okay, so now… find that place where you can be comfortable, probably won’t be interrupted, and you are ready to set your intention. Make sure you have your coin handy.

I hope you enjoyed the session, and like I said make sure, after you have chosen which coin you want to keep as your SbE token, you go through it again at least two more times. You can download the session without the podcast intro and outro, directly from SpokenByElswyth.com.

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