Spiritual Teamwork

Spiritual Teamwork

Latest Episodes

Being A Disciple
July 08, 2020

Welcome back!  This week we’re talking about being a disciple which is the basis for this podcast so I probably should have done this podcast earlier, but I didn’t, so let’s get started.  I view discipleship in two ways.

The Law of Love – Loving Others
July 01, 2020

This week is the second part of The Law of love.  This week we’re going to be talking about loving others and with what’s going on around the country and the emotions we’re starting to deal with, loving others is one of the farthest things from some pe...

The Law of Love – Love Yourself
June 24, 2020

Learning to love yourself can be hard, but we can love ourselves because God loved us first.  I need this just as much as anyone else and I hope you find it helpful. So what is the Law of Love? You probably know it better as the Great Commandment...

Where Is God When I Pray
June 17, 2020

Last week we talked about Making time for God and how we could set aside more time throughout our day to pray and open ourselves to God. But what happens when God APPEARS to not show up?  When I was doing the Introduction for the podcast I talked about...

Making Time For God
June 10, 2020

We can all make time for God if we waste a little less.  Steve uses the book Beginning to Pray by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom for hints at ways to make time for God.

Introduction to Spiritual Teamwork
June 03, 2020

This episode is an introduction to Spiritual Teamwork and the host Steve Crenshaw.  

Trailer For Spiritual Teamwork
June 01, 2020

Short introduction trailer for Spiritual Teamwork

Spiritual Teamwork Promo 1
May 14, 2020

 This is the first promo spot for the Spiritual Teamwork podcast