Christian Geek Central Podcast

Christian Geek Central Podcast

Geek Wishes & Vacation Games (CGC Podcast #612)

July 24, 2020

Some thoughts from Speculative Faith about bringing our faith into what we love doing as Geeks. Then Paeter shares his vision for A Dungeons & Dragons movie and talks about some game franchises he would love to see come back and why. And later he answers some of your questions about being a geeky parent and shares his geeky, portable vacation entertainment for the whole family!

PLUS, Paeter shares some doctrines he has changed his mind about and some puzzling Bible questions he has.

00:00:30 Intro
00:04:10 Playing & Creating As "Christian" Geeks (Speculative Faith)
00:12:12 Geek Wishes & Dreams (A Good Dungeons & Dragons Movie & Returning Video Game Franchises)
01:00:38 CGC & Christian Geek News
01:06:01 Weekly Waistline

01:14:00 Prayer Requests You Disagree With & Doctrines I've Changed My Mind About (or am still wondering about): Predestination/Free Will, Baptism, Free Grace vs Lordship Salvation, Young vs Old Earth, Interpreting Genesis 1-11, Molinism/Middle Knowledge Vs Static Time aka "all time travel stories", Communion, Finding & Keeping "Joy", Where Choices Come From, spousal relationships in heaven & peace about eternity and death

02:05:35 Listener/Viewer Messages (Games I let my boys play & what geeky stuff I look forward to them experiencing)

02:26:27 Paeter's Geek Week(Soul Sacrifice Delta, Steamworld Dig, Elminage Original, Dragon's Crown, Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow)

02:39:57 Geeky Video Games For Non-Geek Parties & Families (Alienation, Inferno 2, Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes, Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime, Resogun, Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure), Twisted Metal Black,

02:59:57 Geeky Tabletop Games For Non-Geek Parties & Families: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: The Mummy's Mask, One Deck Dungeon, Ultimate Werewolf(When Paeter Freaked Out His Family), Betrayal At House On The Hill(Paeter's Mom A Cultic Killer), Forbidden Island

03:26:19 Next Episode
03:29:38 Babylon 5 Schawarma

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Episodes #0-500 of this podcast were published as "The Spirit Blade Underground Podcast" and are archived and available for download at , Resources used to prepare the "In Search Of Truth" Bible Study include:"Expositor's Bible Commentary", Frank E. Gaebelein General Editor (Zondervan
Publishing House),"The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament",
by Dr. John H. Walton, Dr. Victor H. Matthews & Dr. Mark W. Chavalas (InterVarsity
Press), "The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament", by Dr. Craig S. Keener (InterVarsity Press),Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (primarily for search functionality), The Christian Geek Central Statement Of Faith can be found at: The Christian Geek Central Podcast is written, recorded and produced by Paeter Frandsen, with additional segments produced by their credited authors. Logo created by Matthew Silber. Copyright 2007-2020, Spirit Blade Productions. Music by Wesley Devine, Bjorn A. Lynne, Pierre Langer, Jon Adamich, and Sound Ideas. Spazzmatica Polka by Kevin MacLeod ( effects provided by: FreqMan