

Latest Episodes

SPEXcast Wallops and CSTARS Update
March 29, 2017

SPEXcast has an update on the exciting things ahead!

33: SpaceX Lunar Mission (Grey Dragon)
March 15, 2017

SPEXcast discusses the glut of new moon focused announcements in the private space industry.

32: Trappist-1
March 08, 2017

SPEXcast discusses the recent discovery of 7 Earth-like planets with Dr. Jennifer Connelly

31a: Weekly News for 2-24-2017
March 02, 2017

SPEXcast discusses the new for 2-24-2017

31b: Generation Ships
March 02, 2017

SPEXcast discusses the ethics of multi-generational spaceships

30: Meta Discussion on Spacecraft Construction and Design
February 23, 2017

SPEXcast discusses how modern spacecraft design reflects our Science Fiction heritage and where it diverges once physics comes into play.

29: 2016 Year in Review
February 15, 2017

SPEXcast recaps the exciting events of 2016 and looks ahead to 2017

Season 3 Promo
February 08, 2017

SPEXcast will return next week for a full season of exciting space news!

28: James Webb Space Telescope
February 01, 2017

SPEXcast interviews NASA's Matt Greenhouse on JWST

27: NASA Cubesats
December 22, 2016

SPEXcast interviews NASA's Pam Millar on Cubesats