Spectacular Spoiler League Podcast
Latest Episodes
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 3 Finale Death – SSL Episode 36
The Season 3 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to come to close, but not without a bang! Someone is going to be six feet under by the end of the season and we’re here to go through the most likely victims.
Captain America: Civil War – Phase 3 Predictions – SSL Episode 35
In the wake of Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, we’re just trying to figure out what happens to the Avengers now!? Where do they go from here? Civil War started off Phase 3 with some huge changes to Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it.
Captain America: Civil War – Black Panther – SSL Episode 34
The King of Wakanda has finally arrived! After Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, the world knows the beast that is Black Panther. In many ways, Civil War was Season 0 for T’Challa, but what’s next his solo film in 2018?
Captain America: Civil War – Spider-Man – SSL Episode 33
Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War wasn’t originally supposed to have him, but Spider-Man finally came home to Marvel! Peter Parker steals the show and leaves HazyRome, DeepBoyce and the Leaguers out there waiting impatiently for Spider-Man: Homecomin...
Captain America: Civil War Review- SSL Episode 32
The League took a little field trip to see the manifestation of our nerd fantasies in Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War! The Got’em Knight DeepBoyce and the Pandan Superman HazyRome saw a 2am show and got home at the ass crack of dawn,
Color Me Crazy- SSL Episode 31
Mr. Freeze is born on Fox! Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is back from a 3-month hiatus with Grant Ward lookin' like he hadn't eaten that whole time. And the Legends of Tomorrow try to stop more wiggity wack Vandal Savage hijinks.
Captain America: Civil War- Spider-Man Suits Up- SSL Episode 31
Finally! Marvel's long anticipated Spider-Man reveal has come to pass in Trailer #2 for Captain America: Civil War. Whether he's Team Iron Man or Team Cap isn't even the focal point of the conversation. It's all about how Spidey's new suit looks,
Winn with the Win!- SSL Episode 30
Winslow Schott Jr. is the star of the SSL Kiss Cam this week as he finally got some play with a sexy ladaay! But that's not all DeepBoyce and HazyRome have for the Leaguers this week. With CW's Flash and Arrow off until March 22nd,
CW’s The Flash: Who is Zoom Pt. 3- SSL Episode 29
Jay Garrick!? Hunter Zolomon!? Teddy Sears!? The mystery behind the identity of Zoom on CW's The Flash may have been given a huge reveal in Season 2, Episode 15 'King Shark,' but the plot continues to thicken.
Baby Momma Drama- SSL Episode 28
This week DC went hard! On CW's The Flash, Barry Allen took on a big ass shark by the name of King Shark (voiced by David Hayter!) and we had a HUGE reveal involving the big bad Zoom. DC's Legends of Tomorrow hit us with a Spectacular war ravaged Sta...