Spectacular Spoiler League Podcast
The Hall of Spoilers – SSL Episode 11
This week, the Gotem Knight DeepBoyce and the Pandan Superman HazyRome attempt to play catch up as the hustle and bustle of New York Comic Con 2015 got in the way of talking about the season premieres of Arrow and The Flash. But have no fear, the League is here to Spoil you as promised
In order to catch up with the 6 episodes we need to Spectacularly Spoil for you this week, Boyce and yours truly, Hazy, decided to sideline the new SSL Podcast format just for this week. We just chill out and have an open convo that'll seduce your ears with a spoilery mashup of 6 episodes of superhero shows! Who is Zoom? Who gon die in Arrow? Does Agent Coulson have feelings for a certain someone? Why is Theo Galavant such a cornballerino? All on THIS episode of the Spectacular Spoiler League!
Episodes We Spectacularly Spoil:
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.- 3.3: A Wanted (Inhu)man
Gotham- 2.4: Rise of the Villains: Strike Force
Arrow- 4.1: Green Arrow
Arrow- 4.2: The Candidate
The Flash- 2.1: The Man Who Saved Central City
The Flash- 2.2: Flash of Two Worlds
The SSL Podcast is still newly minted and thus, we will change and morph in the weeks to come to improve our audio and format. Any suggestions regarding format or topics, please feel free to hit us up on Social Media. You can find HazyRome on Twitter @hazyrome and on Instagram @bettergamingbureau & @hazyrome. Meanwhile DeepBoyce can be found @deepboyce on Twitter and @deepboyce on Instagram.
Special Shoutout to resident artist of The BGB, Captain Eats (@captaineats on Twitter) for the ridiculously dope logos and avatars he designed for us! You are a truly valuable member of The BGB!
Much love to the ever-so talented Reckoning Storm Audioworks headed by Saad Ali who composed the absolutely epic theme for the Podcast! Check Reckoning Storm Audioworks at rs-launchpad.net, you won't regret it!