Spectacular Spoiler League Podcast

Spectacular Spoiler League Podcast

The Flash Season 1 Finale!- SSL Episode 8

May 20, 2015

'The Flash' Season 1 Finale- Spectacular Spoiler League Episode 8

The feels! The final episode of the inaugural season of The Flash was one for the memory banks! DeepBoyce and HazyRome reconvene for our rapid reactions to the emotional roller coaster that was this fantastic season finale. Barry weighs the consequences of going back in time to save his mother as the Reverse-Flash whispers in his ear like the Ying-Yang Twins, compelling him to save Momma Allen and help return Eobard Thawne to his timeline. This episode does EVERYTHING to keep us on the edge of our seat and it did just that. Time was travelled, wormholes were opened, a multiverse may have emerged, and a black hole is swallowing up Central City!? All this and more on this episode of the Spectacular Spoiler League!

League Notes

Tom Cavanagh is creepy, scary, and charming as the Reverse-Flash. Definitely hope we haven't seen the last of him!


Caitlin Snow as her comic book alter-ego Killer Frost!


The Flash Museum! A museum from the comics dedicated to all heroes who have carried The Flash mantle, primarily Barry Allen himself. Awesome easter egg.


Jay Garrick's helmet! Jay Garrick = The Golden Age Flash!


The Flash plunges into the singularity most likely created by the paradox of Eddie killing himself, which meant Eobard was wiped from existence, which means he never went back in time to kill Barry's mother, which means he never got trapped in the past, which means The Flash was never created!? We'll have to wait until Season 2 to find out!

The SSL Podcast is newly minted and thus, we will change and morph in the weeks to come. Any suggestions regarding format or topics, please feel free to hit us up on Social Media. You can find HazyRome on Twitter @hazyrome and on Instagram @bettergamingbureau & @hazyrome. Meanwhile DeepBoyce can be found @deepboyce on Twitter and @deepboyce on Instagram.