Speak with Eve Eurydice

Speak with Eve Eurydice

Ep. 95: Tools to Liberate Men from the Patriarchy, Balance Mind Body. Eve Eurydice w Michael Brody

September 23, 2021

Eurydice speaks with Michael Brody, co-founder of the Crested Butte Film Festival, about life in Boulder Colorado where they found spiritual and somatic awakening, film through Stan Brackage Michael’s teacher at CU and literary writing. In this episode, Eurydice and Michael discuss being a man in the 21st century as a journey to integrate into wholeness and recast the masculine rites of passage into including the full spectrum of human relationship experience. How to speak about everything man to man with nothing forbidden or diminishing speaking truth in all the ways patriarchy has considered unmanlike. The restraints and censorships that the patriarchy (and the self raised snd trained in patriarchy) Is man responsible for every birth he’s inseminated? It’s a false burden? Gender is obsolete but the weight of our patriarchal history is real and cages us all in our prescribed roles that define us since birth. The old norm culture keeps creating false social emergencies to get our attention away from the real challenges of evolution. ⚡️ Crested Butte Film Festival starts on Sept. 24 and runs until Oct. 3rd. Go watch it online at https://CBfilmfest.org #cbfilmfestival ⚡️ Michael Brody has served as Co-Founder, Co-Director, and Artistic and Programming Director of Crested Butte Film Festival, in Colorado, named by MovieMaker Magazine as "one of the coolest film festivals in the world” for the past 11 years. Before that, he wrote, directed, and produced the feature film, "Document" and adapted several books into screenplays, including the Bill Duke directed, "Created Equal". ⚡️ For more Speak Sex, go to https://Speaksexpodcast.com ⚡️ For books, art, go to https://Eurydice.net ⚡️ For Apple podcast, subscribe to https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/speak-sex-with-eve/id1448261953 ⚡️For video episodes, subscribe to https://YouTube.com/SpeakSexwithEveEurydice ⚡️ For support, go to https://anchor.fm/speaksex/support ⚡️ #speaksex #eveEurydice ⚡️#boulder #freemenfrommanhood


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