Sparking Faith Podcast

Sparking Faith Podcast

23rd Psalm – Sun – 22-10-23

October 23, 2022

I volunteer at a children’s farmstead. Families come to bottle-feed baby goats, ride the horse-drawn hay ride, fish in the pond, visit the Indian camp and the old-time stores, watch a dairy cow milked, and view all sorts of farm and wild animals native to our area. The farmstead is also popular for grade school field trips. Buses disgorge mobs of children and a few adults who herd them about. The adults help the kids find the bathroom, lead them to lunch and make sure none get away, um, I meant none are lost. After all the fun of the farmstead, some children still grumble because they want something else. It is a thankless job to be a parent helper on a school field trip.

This may be the closest we come to understanding what a shepherd does. Shepherds tend flocks of sheep in open range areas. Most of us have never known a shepherd or raised sheep. Much like a field trip parent, shepherds lead their charges to food and water, round up strays and care for injuries.

This week the podcast will look at the twenty-third Psalm. Verse one says, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.”(NIV) We’ll explore what God does for us. But this verse gives the ultimate result. When God cares for us, we will be satisfied. We won’t exist in a state of want.

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Bumper music “Landing Place” performed by Mark July, used under license from Shutterstock.