Sparking Faith Podcast

Sparking Faith Podcast

Peacemakers – Sat – 21-10-16

October 16, 2021

This week we have looked at the Beatitude in Matthew 5:9, which reads, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”(NIV) We discovered that this verse is not about Nobel Peace Prize winners. No, it is about everyday people like you and I. It talks about those who work to restore peaceful relationships between others.  It is not something that can be forced upon other people. Rather we have to sow peace like the ancient farmer who scattered seed.

God is the ultimate example of a peacemaker. He took the initiative to send Jesus to the cross. He thus made it possible to establish peace with us through faith in Jesus. Peacemaking takes initiative! Do you have it?

How do we start to be a peacemaker? We begin by making sure we are not grumbling and arguing ourselves. Rather, we seek to build up others and make every effort to keep the peace, even when arguments may be over serious things.

The blessing for being a peacemaker mentioned in the Beatitude is being called children of God. But there is another blessing as well. Proverbs mentions it in chapter 12, verse 20, “Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy.” (NIV)

May you promote peace among others even as our heavenly Father does! And may you have joy!

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Bumper music “Landing Place” performed by Mark July, used under license from Shutterstock.