The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast | ELA
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268: Try These Google Translate Tools in Class
Welcome to the Thursday edition of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast, a podcast for English teachers in search of creative teaching strategies. Whether youre new to the show or a long-time listene
267: So your Students aren't Doing the Reading? Here's Help.
Today on the podcast, were sitting down with Amanda Cardenas to talk about a very big question. A huge question, really. What can teachers do when students arent doing the reading? And is reading
266: Summer PD that Delivers
Welcome to the Thursday edition of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast, a podcast for English teachers in search of creative teaching strategies. Whether youre new to the show or a long-time listene
265: Teaching Conversation in a Polarized World (The Elective Series Begins)
Lately Ive been thinking a lot about electives. Electives I want to design, like one about Youtube creation and one about Taylor Swift, and the amazing electives teachers in our community are desig
264: Launch Tiny Podcasts (don't be intimidated)
Welcome to the Thursday edition of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast, a podcast for English teachers in search of creative teaching strategies. Whether youre new to the show or a long-time listene
263: Let's Reimagine the "Teacher Work Room"
Ahh, the hum of fluorescent lighting. The slightly stained carpeting. The copier that is almost-if-not-already-out-of-paper. The dirty coffee cups. It's no secret that at many schools, the common teac
262: Let Students Design Escape Rooms
This week, I want to suggest you let your students design an escape room. Escape rooms are, in the iconic words of Zoolander, so hot right now. And they have been for years. Students love them! Who wo
261: Skill Practice that Isn't Boring: Grammar Edition
So you want your students to get better at something, but drill-and-kill is clearly not the answer. Been there, done that, didn't like it. So what's a creative teacher to do? Today I'm going to pull
260: Highly Recommended: This Super Bowl Activity
This week, I want to share a great way to tie rhetorical analysis into the upcoming Superbowl. First things first, we know this Superbowl has a hilarious additional wrinkle, in that the world is exci
259: First Chapter Friday: Matt de la Peña Reads
Welcome to the second episode of the author spotlight series here at Spark Creativity! In this series, youll hear from authors sharing their work directly into your classroom. Today were hearing f