Spark My Muse

Latest Episodes
Limited Series – part 5 : : : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit [Is there purpose in Suffering]
PART 2 of the chapter on Suffering in the 1963 work of Dr Howard Thurman called The Disciplines of the Spirit (host Lisa Colon DeLay)
Limited Series – part 4 : : : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit [Pain and Suffering]
A reading and reflection from theSufferingchapter from Disciples of the Spirit by Dr Howard Thurman (1962)
Limited Series – part 3 : : : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit [Wisdom and Stature]
A reading and reflection from theWisdom and Staturechapter from Disciples of the Spirit by Dr Howard Thurman (1962)
Limited Series, part 2 : : : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit [Commitment]
A reading and reflection today from host Lisa Colon DeLay of a segment from the Commitment chapter in the work called Discipline of the Spirit by Dr Howard Thurman.
Limited Series – part 1 : : : Howard Thurman: Disciplines of the Spirit
Limited Series (part 1) Deep dive into commitment, growth, suffering, prayer, and reconciliation (from Dr Howard Thurman 1962 - Disciplines of the Spirit) brought to you from host Lisa Colon DeLay.
Unanswered Prayer: Insights from Howard Thurman [SSL 338]
Today is a reading and reflection on three short essays of Howard Thurman that I hope find you encouraging. If you want to connect with my blog on substack you can go here: https://sparkmymuse
Eps 230: Discernment as Formation | Adam Shields, guest
A deep-dive on discernment with Lisa Colon DeLay and Adam Shields.
The Lord is slow to anger and rich in love [SSL 337]
A reflection on Psalm 145 in light of our times from host Lisa Colon DeLay
An Altar in the World: Feeling Pain [SSL 326]
From host Lisa Colon DeLay, a powerful reading and short reflection on the incarnational aspects of pain from the fantastic bookAn Altar in the World: A Geography of Faithby Barbara Brown Taylor.