Spark My Muse

Eps 141: Guest Patrice Gopo - All the Colors We Will See
Drawing on her experience as the child of Jamaican immigrants, born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska; traveling to and living in South Africa and meeting her Zimbabwean future husband; living in the American South and attending mostly church white people (read: feeling not she doesn't fit in within the dominant culture that seems blind to her experience of the world and anyone who looks like her), and in other important ways– Patrice Gopo explores issues of race, immigration, and belonging in the book we will discuss, "All The Colors We Will See".
We touch on important themes more of us should be having with people who see and experience the world different. I hope this episode affirms your experience of not fitting in as valid and if you are part of the dominant color and culture I hope it encourage you to sitting with the reality that many people do not truly feel included.
What would it be like to, in love, ask for help to start new kinds of bridges where we have been blind about the gaps?
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