Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Eps 128: Guest, Seth Godin is happy he's not for everyone

March 21, 2018

For millions around the globe, Seth Godin is well-reconnized as a marketing wizard, an early dot com aficionado, a best-selling author many times over, a sought-after speaker (including twice at TED), the founder of the altMBA course, and more.

It is a special pleasure to have him as a guest. I got to meet Seth during a meal while at the On Being Gathering event at 1440 Multiversity in Scotts Valley, California. Just as he was about to leave he said, "I'll be a guest on your podcast," and it took me completely by surprise. There are many insights you will gain from this conversation that will help you step up and take your turn, to open your heart, and to now allow fear to expand to control you as you become responsible for what you make.

Show Notes with lots of links and goodies are free to everyone for this episode at -ENJOY. If you like them, you'll like them each time. Consider being a patreon each month and check out the rewards–like t-shirts, extras, discounts off the course coming in May, and more.

Visit the official Website to catch up on the news (including the new May course. Please be patient is the site goes down and try again in a few hours. We are in the middle of an upgrade to handle the traffic, and the expansion of new things.

Pass on the episode to someone else and let your light shine, my little sparks!