Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Eps 127: 3 Companions for the Wilderness

March 07, 2018

Whether you are observing Lent in some form (or you'd like to), whether you are feeling unrooted, or whether you are traversing a strange place of wilderness in life right now, this episode uncovers treasures of the past to guide us forward. Lisa Deam returns as a guest and she's brought some needed companions.

We will talk about pilgrimage of the heart, the troubles to expect when we seek solitude, Medieval poetry of Divine Love, discovering rather than renouncing, and more. Let this audio nourish, encourage and accompany you today, and any time you need it.

Find more at the official website: or on the Bonus Pages set up at -- If you are able to jump on as a regular supporter, we are happy to have you. (There is plenty there to enjoy for free. Stop by.)
– Lisa