Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Eps 125: Painting Olympia and Mysticism as Revolt, guest Petra Carlsson

February 07, 2018

My conversation with Swedish theologian, scholar, professor and minister, Petra Carlsson is a captivating one.

We begin by following her unique road to discover the deeper and bigger questions of humanity and lived experience and her desire live a spiritual life in her decidedly secular homeland of Sweden.

Then, using the innovative work of the French Impressionist painter Édouard Manet (1832-1880) and we find correlations with Christian attempts at how God becomes re-presented in spiritual terms and categories–Asking the hard question, "What is actually sacramental?"

In her work, Carlsson uses some of the most strident critiques of Christianity (Nietzsche, Derrida, Foucault and Deleuze) to break open new worlds and ways of understanding the Christian story that are liberated from the dichotomies of the commentary or critique limitation we tend to employ.

If this all seeming too heady for you, I assure you, the whole conversation is quite accessible. Petra's work in ministry has given her ample opportunities to make these ideas potent and practical. Jump right in!

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