Spark My Muse
Eps 107: Pete Enns says the Bible is for Normal People
When Pete Enns and Jared Byas launched their podcast "The Bible for Normal People" a few months ago, they didn't think it would be ousting Joel Olsteen (and everyone else) for the #1 spot in Religion and Spirituality category on iTunes.
Armed with their expertise, their all-star guest list and their guiding vision summed up in their tongue-in-cheek (maybe) tag line "The Only God-Ordained Podcast on the Internet;
Serious Talk About the Sacred Book" they have cooked up a broadcast that all sorts of people can sink their teeth into.
Today, I invite Pete back on the show to talk about this new adventure: its vision and some of the ways "normal people" (by which he means non scholars) get gain a much richer and robust understanding of the bible through conversations and a deeper look at issues. Issues like context, translation, history, culture, and hearing from the people they plan to invite on their program.
This is a fun listen too, if you know Pete, you'll know he's a joker which tempers all the (potentially) dry doctoral esoterica.
Grab the show notes and EXTRAS here, directly:
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