Spark My Muse

Spark My Muse

Eps 106: We get More Desire Instead of Fulfillment; That's Capitalism, Guest Todd McGowan

May 24, 2017

Plenty of people have criticized Capitalism over the years for various economic or social reasons, but few people have done so with the internal costs in mind. At the heart of a free market system such as Capitalism is something very powerful: the promise to fulfill our desire. My guest today brings to light the ways that capitalism actually does exactly the opposite. And, by creating desire, capitalism flourishes and dominates globally and we are worse for it.

This fascinating conversation is aimed at understanding the hidden influences that direct our lives. We aren't pretending that we can quickly jump into another alternative but we need to be reckoning with the costs of materialism and our co-opting with a system that takes advantage of our innate desires. How else can these desires be directed in more helpful ways? What fantasies have we played into unawares?

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Let me know what material thing has the biggest hold on you.